War Thunder: Update Fixes Ground Vehicle Hit Indicator and More

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War Thunder got a new patch recently that brought a lot of important bug fixes. One notable issue fixed in Update has something to do with ground vehicles.

Back then, there was a bug that caused the hit indicator on ground vehicles to occasionally show the wrong direction of incoming fire. This is problematic because you could get killed by accidentally putting yourself in harm’s way. There’s no need to worry now as Gaijin Entertainment has patched this up in the latest update.

In addition, the issue where a misplaced shadow appears near your vehicle after changing graphics settings has been resolved.

In terms of improvements, icy surfaces in War Thunder now feel more slippery. Be sure to take that into account, especially when using ground vehicles with poor traction on such surfaces.

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  • A bug has been fixed that prevented external elements from detaching when destroyed, and prevented a geometrical change when hit.
  • A bug where vehicle loss might be displayed incorrectly (for example “Crew knocked out”) because of detonation of the fuel tank has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused some decorations of the “camouflage” section to disappear at certain angles when using the “minimal” graphics preset has been fixed.
  • Strv 103A, Strv 103С: A bug that caused the crosshair to be displayed above the aiming circle if the vehicle was on a slight slope has been fixed.
  • Strv 103A, Strv 103С: A bug has been fixed where the vehicle might move while aiming with hull aiming enabled and a machine gun selected.
  • PGZ09: A bug that caused the laser range finder to incorrectly change aiming distance while aiming at air targets has been fixed.
  • ItO 90M: Optical target tracking mode has been added.
  • ItO 90M: A bug that led to the inability to follow the target when the detection radar was turned off has been fixed.
  • M3 Bradley (ADATS), ADATS (M113): Maximum operating range of the radar has been changed from 20 to 25 km.
  • Vickers Mk.3: A bug that caused a shift of the aiming point when using commander fire control from commander sight in SB has been fixed.
  • Type 16 MCV: A bug with different thickness of radiator grill on right and left hull sides have been fixed.
  • Landscape LOD has been corrected in the aircraft optics. Now, a pilot will see the detailed picture of the landscape in the targeting optics as seen in helicopters previously.
  • A bug where after firing and reloading all nine guided missile blocks the value settings for the salvo mode of suspended weaponry could be reset has been fixed.
  • Mirage 2000D-R1: A bug that made it impossible to detect ground targets at long distances when using a CDLP targeting pod has been fixed.
  • Laté 298D: A bug that caused the Mle 33 offensive machine guns to be classified as large caliber weapons has been fixed.

War Thunder Update is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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