In last week’s episode, “Welcome To Earth-2,” we meet Earth 2 doppelgangers of The Flash team. Reverb (Earth 2 Cisco Ramon), Killer Frost (Caitlin Snow), Deathstorm (Ronnie Raymond/Firestorm) were all part of Zoom’s team. Earth 2 Joe is now dead, and Barry and Iris are married. At the end, The Flash is captured by Zoom and locked away with Harrison Wells’ daughter, Jessie. Barry promises to save her but not before Zoom appears and advises, “It’s not wise to make promises you can’t keep.”
In one behind-the-scenes look of Season 2 Episode 14, “Escape From Earth 2,” the executive producers reveals the team will rely on Earth 2 Barry and Iris to help find The Flash. The clip also shows Killer Frost assisting them, even though in the last episode, Zoom spared her life because of her loyalty. However, since Zoom did kill her boyfriend, Deathstorm, it’s likely Killer Frost may have a change of heart.
It’s unclear how Harrison Wells and Vibe (Cisco) plan on defeating Zoom without Barry. However, during his encounter with Reverb, Cisco learned he has more powers than he thought. Not only can Vibe see the future, but he can also produce shockwaves, sonic waves, and vibrations that have the potential to disrupt the speed force.
Barry, Cisco and Wells may be able to take down Zoom, but they won’t be able to get back to their original timeline if Jay and Catlin can’t restabilize the breach in time for their return. Can The Flash, Vibe, and Harrison Wells defeat Zoom, save Jessie and escape Earth-2?
Find out tonight at 8 p.m. on The CW.
Check out the trailers released by The CW this week below: