Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 11 airs Tuesday, Jan. 12 at 8 p.m. EST on Freeform, formerly known as ABC Family. Though the easiest way to watch the season’s tenth episode, Of Late I Think of Rosewood , is on television, subscribers of Sling TV can watch the episode live online.
Sling TV is a subscription based streaming service that offers many of the standard cable channels online for a fraction of the price. New users can watch the Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 11 with the Sling TV free trial as Freeform is among the many channels provided through this service. The free trial is 7 days, after which the base Sling TV package for $20/month.
Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 11 will also be available at Freeform’s website later this week. However, users must have a cable subscription with login access to online content to take advantage of this option.
Episode 10 ended with Cece Drake being revealed as “A” during the Liars senior prom. Cece lures Alison to her room in Radley, while Sarah Harvey lures the other Liars and Mona to another room, where they are able to watch Cece tell Alison her story.
We learn that Cece was born as Charles DiLaurentis but began using the name Charlotte as she realized her gender identity was female. She was sent to Radley sanitarium after their father believed that Cece (then Charles) was trying to drown a then baby Alison. This is also where she transitioned from Charles to Charlotte. Alison and Jason did not know about Cece and her father, Kenneth was made to believe that she was dead. The only person who supported her was her mother, Jessica.
We also learned that Cece was the person who hit Alison over the head the night she went missing. She believed it was another girl, Bethany Young, who’d escaped Radley to attack Mrs. DiLaurentis for having an affair with her father. After returning to Radley, Cece met a doped up Mona, who told her the Liars were happy that Alison was missing. This was Cece’s motive for targeting Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily.
Cece intended to blow up Radley with her Alison and the other liars inside, but when Mona disarms the bomb, Cece runs and attempts to jump from the sanitarium roof. However, she turns herself in after Alison pleads for her not to jump.
After the drama subsides, the girls go their separate ways, to their respective colleges, while Alison remains in Rosewood. But at the very end of the episode, we see the Liars running into Alison’s classroom, frantically talking about a “him” from who she must run.
In Episode 11, Aria, Emily, Spencer and Hanna return home, on subpoena to testify on whether Cece is sound enough to be released from jail (or a mental institution, it hasn’t been made quite clear). The Liars are uncertain as to whether they can speak positively about Cece, but Alison sends them all letters urging them to come.
In the five years the Liars have been away from home (save for Alison, who remained in Rosewood, got married and became a teacher), they all built their own lives and most are relatively happy; however, Pretty Little Liars executive producer, I. Marlene King told Variety, that the girls, now women, all return home with new secrets.
We know that many of the Liars still suffer from PTSD due to what Cece did to them, Spencer and Hanna in particular. But once they are back in Rosewood, they quickly realize that Cece is the least of their problems. King revealed on Twitter in December that the Liars will be introduced to the new “big bad” or “uber A” and also told Variety the motive behind this person targeting the girls will be revealed in the Season 6B premiere.
Technically I was supposed to say "the new big bad" but let's get real, it's "uber A." #whatwehavebeenwaitingfor
— I. Marlene King (@imarleneking) December 23, 2015
Among many events, including Hanna being engaged and Radley being turned into a posh hotel, we also learn that Emily’s dad dies in combat, which profoundly affects her college experience and her decision to drop out.
We also learn that Ezra is having a hard time during Season 6B. Upon her return, Aria learns that Erza is also newly back in Rosewood, having moved into the apartment above the Brew coffee shop, which he still owns.
The rest of the story unfolds Tuesday when Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 11 airs at 8 p.m. EDT on Freeform.