To celebrate a year of Hearthstone expansions, Blizzard will give away thousands of packs for completing Daily Quests. From Feb. 1 to Feb. 14, every Daily Quest you complete will enter you in a drawing to win anywhere from three packs to 3,000. The grand prize also earns you the Lich King’s helmet, worn at Hearthstone events to promote Knights Of The Frozen Throne and a bag of swag. According to the fine print, you’ll only be able to get one entry per day, for a total of 14 per account. Everything starts when patch 10.2 goes live.
Free card packs are always welcome and giving fans multiple chances to win is another bonus. My collection is sorely lacking and I’m out of dust, so I will definitely be grinding my Daily Quests and farming that gold.
There’s also a new bundle in the shop, allowing players to experience commons and rares from this year’s expansions released this year. The Year Of The Mammoth Bundle includes 10 packs each of Journey To Un’Goro, Knights Of The Frozen Throne and Kobolds And Catacombs for $24.99. The deal will only be available for those two weeks, so miss this bundle.

For a new player, this is the best deal you can ask for. You’ll get a free Death Knight Legendary, Weapon Legendary and C’thun alongside 30 packs guaranteed to have at least one Legendary card. For seasoned players with larger collections, unless you desperately need to save five dollars, it’s really not worth it.
If I won those 3,000 card packs, I’d become a Hearthstone pro. I’d no longer be able to use my lackluster collection as an excuse, I’d have all the cards needed to make every deck. No longer would I have to spend all my time on Aggro Paladin and Jade Druid, I’d be able to make expensive Legendary filled clown fiesta decks.
How do you feel about the Year Of The Mammoth Bundle? Tell us how you’ll earn that massive grand prize in the comments.