The best part of Wonder Woman was Themyscira and the Amazon Warriors. The scenery and fight sequences were breathtaking, especially when the squad of strong women jumped off the side of a cliff while shooting arrows at German soldiers. If Wonder Woman’s mythology was one of your favorite parts of the film too, well then, you are in serious luck. Connie Nielsen and Robin Wright are returning as Queen Hippolyta and General Antiope respectively.
The reveal came during an interview with the Los Angeles Times where Gal Gadot, Nielsen and Wright were asked if the mother-daughter relationship between Diana and Hippolyta will be explored in the DCEU down the line.
“Of course; the mother and daughter relationship is always a beautiful but complex relationship. I think that there's a lot more to explore,” Gadot said.
“And [Wright and I] got to do more in Justice League as well. As sisters as well. Kind of badass as well. We can't say much, but…” Neilsen added.
“And more of the story, you get some of the history,” Wright concluded.
If you’ve seen Wonder Woman , there’s a red flag raised here. How could General Antiope be in Justice League ? Isn’t she dead? Well, either she didn’t die all the way (which is doubtful) or Justice League contains flashbacks (more likely). Even though Wonder Woman kicked off the story of Diana’s upbringing and the mythology of her character, there are still many years to be explored.
The dynamic between Diana and Antiope was a peculiar one. Antiope went against Queen Hippolyta’s wishes and trained Diana from a young age, and it turned out to be a blessing that she did because Diana would have never realized her full potential. Antiope had a huge impact on Diana and there’s no telling what other words of wisdom Antiope impressed on her. With Hippolyta holding Diana back, it’s clear Antiope ultimately gave Diana the courage to leave Themyscira and enter a world with such an uncertain future.
The continuation of Wonder Woman’s origin story in Justice League isn’t exactly surprising, since we only saw brief moments of her childhood since her adventure with Steve Trevor to save the world actually took up most of the film.
Are you looking forward to more Amazons in Justice League? Let us know in the comments.