One of the superheroes that older DC Comics fans remember the most is Wonder Woman. For some, Lynda Carter’s portrayal of the Amazonian superhero Diana Prince in the Wonder Woman television show that ran for three seasons is the fondest memory they have of the female superhero. Since the series ended in 1979, no one thought we would see the character on television or even the big screen once again. But with the recent influx of comic book films and its success, it was a matter of time before we would see a new Wonder Woman movie.
In Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice , we saw our first glimpse of Gal Gadot as the new Wonder Woman. Now, a Wonder Woman solo film is in the works and thanks to site Comic Book Movie , we now have fresh photos from the film’s production.
While there is much excitement about the newly released pictures, the source of the pics is unknown. One looks to be an in progress shot and the other possibly an unused piece of film from the Comic-Con trailer. Check out the two photos below, courtesy of Comic Book Movie.

In addition to Gadot, the Wonder Woman solo movie also stars Chris Pine as Steve Trevor, the love interest of Wonder Woman. The movie also features Robin Wright, Lucy Davis and Danny Huston and is being directed by Patty Jenkins. Geoff Johns is one of the co-writers of film, along with Allan Heinberg. Johns is helping co-write the next Batman film that is being directed by star Ben Affleck.
The Wonder Woman solo movie from Warner Bros. is set for release on June 2, 2017. Are you excited for it? Let us know in our comment sections.