World War Z is upping the ante as it has launched its new Horde Mode Z, which went live on December 17. There are also two new additions along with the usual balances and fixes in the latest update.
So what is the Horde Mode all about? Here, players to form a team of four and then must face and survive waves of progressively more challenging enemies. The longer they survive, the bigger the rewards offered. The good news is that in between rounds, players have the chance to upgrade their firepower and defenses. They can even scavenge for free pickups like heavy weapons and medkits.
Arriving to the game as well with the update is:
- The Bomber
- This special new zombie drops an explosive when downed. However, players have a few precious seconds to disarm it.
- New premium weapon skins
- Free for those who have the World War Z Season Pass.
Updated Roadmap
World War Z also announced that the PvE crossplay, along with the new cosmetics, are going to be moved to next year to ensure that all releases meet the developer's standards. Once they do arrive, it's going to serve the final Season 2 update. Not to worry as they are going to be completely free. In addition, the character skin DLC is going to be released at a later date. The roadmap has been updated to reflect these changes.

Patch Changes
Additional content and changes with this new patch include:
- New Features
- Added Special Operations Forces skin pack (included for Season Pass owners)
- Activating certain mutators in private lobby results in reduced currency and XP rewards
- The Flare gun can now spawn as a rare weapon on all levels. When fired, it distracts and burn zombies.
- AI
- Fixed Screamer not moving to attack player in some cases
- Bots no longer attempt to finish off the Infector in melee if it is very far away from them
- Perks
- Fixed issue with Hellraiser’s Technician perk not increasing the maximum number of targets.
- Fixed issue with prestige perks reducing max ammo instead of increasing it.
- UI
- Minor UI and localization fixes
- Stability
- Fixed several gameplay crashes
- Levels
- Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels
- General fixes
- Fixed issue with all ammo affecting mutators, that would result in giving players wrong amount of ammo
- Fixed issue with flamethrower continuing to fire even if player swapped to a different weapon
- Fixed another issue with prestige levels not saving correctly in some cases
- Reduced volume of Sniper Rifle firing sound
- Adjusted hit marker sound, now it is more subtle and will be affected by SFX slider in audio settings
- -Solid and weighty gunplay with a huge variety of guns
- -Amazing game and level design
- -Good replayability
- -A stand-out co-op game, whenever the online works
- -Bad connectivity issues in a primarily multiplayer game
- -Presence of some game-breaking bugs
- -Relatively small content size (unless updated)