Blizzard has officially released patch 8.1.5 for World of Warcraft, making the Kul Tiran Humans and Zandalari Trolls available to players.
For players who want to create a Zandalari character, they need to be level 120 and be able to reach Exalted with Zandalari Empire. Players then need to complete the "Zandalar Forever!" and the "Tides of Vengeance" campaigns. Once they complete all these, they will need to go to the Horde embassy located in Orgrimmar.
Players who want to create a Kul Tiran also need to be level 120, and have reached Exalted with Proudmoore Admiralty. They also need to complete the "A Nation Unite" and "Tides of Vengeance" achievements. Finally, these players need to go to the Alliance embassy in Stormwind.
Players who managed to level-up they characters from 20 to 100 get a chance to obtain a unique cosmetic Heritage Armor Set. They also get the chance to unlock a new mount, either the Zandalari Direhorn or the Kul Tiran Charger.
The latest patch brings back the Brawler’s Guild. Available to players at level 120, brawl fights are open again at Bizmo’s Brawlpub. In Orgrimmar, this can be found in the Brawl’gar Arena in the Ring of Valor. In Stormwind, it is near the Deeprun Tram. Like before, this is by invitation, so players will need to get one while inside. Invitations are sold by a new vendor nicknamed "A", and once in a while Shady sells them in Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Enemies of the opposite faction in Kul Tiras and Zandalar also drop invitations.
Beginning April 16, the Crucible of Storms raid will be available to players. Here players have the chance to fight it out with the Restless Cabal and Uu’nat, both servants of N’Zoth. New quests are also available across Azeroth, like Magni Bronzebeard. Level 120 players need to look for the Speaker and accept Magni’s request in order to earn item-level increase to their Heart of Azeroth.
The War Campaign is continued as well, and this time Sylvanas’s actions results in Baine Bloodhoof seeking Jaina Proudmoore. For players who want to move their faction’s agenda forward, they need to talk to Halford Wyrmbane in Boralus or Bluffwatcher Proudscar in Zuldazar.
— World of Warcraft (@Warcraft) March 13, 2019
Baine Bloodhoof seeks out Jaina Proudmoore far from prying eyes—but he's not alone.
Changes have been to Pet Battles and there are also new Portal Rooms in the 8.1.5 patch. A complete list of the changes is available here.