‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Review: It’s Corny, But So Were The 80s

'X-Men' Apocalypse hits theaters May 27. Don't miss the post-credits scene! Spoilers ahead...
'X-Men' Apocalypse hits theaters May 27. Don't miss the post-credits scene! Spoilers ahead... Fox

X-Men: Apocalypse doesn’t take itself seriously, and you shouldn’t either. The movie is OK, far from some of the worst superhero movies out there. Just go into the theater without any expectation of greatness and throw away any concepts of character development and plot you may have. You’ll be good.

[Warning: X-Men: Apocalypse spoilers ahead. Most are mild, but still, don’t say we didn’t warn you.]

Look, it’s easy to pick apart X-Men: Apocalypse , but it has its moments. The Quicksilver scene where he slows down time to save a bunch of mutants was really funny, and one of the best parts of the film. The Wolverine cameo seemed a little excessive, but it’s not an X-Men film if Hugh Jackman doesn’t make his mark. Still, Wolverine slaying people left and right was pretty badass.

There are also some great tongue-and-cheek moments. Yes, these moments were so corny but it's the 1980s, they're allowed to be cheesy with dialouge. There’s a point in the film where some of the new X-Men cast members sneak off to watch Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi . Jean Grey makes a comment about the third movie in trilogies being the worst, which might be funnier if this film wasn’t also the worst in its own trilogy. Professor X’s first encounter with Moira Mactaggert was also pretty good. Professor X was nervous, like a little boy experiencing his first crush. A very sweet moment in the film, but also a little corny.

As far as the new cast is concerned, Nightcrawler was great, Jubilee was forgettable as we didn’t get to see her powers, while Cyclops and Jean Grey were okay. Jean and Professor X’s relationship was one of the main points of the film. Professor X gives Jean extra attention because the other mutant kids free her. While Jean says she can’t control her powers, there are only two times we see her lose control. The rest of the time, she’s wiping away memories like it’s second nature to her.

Unfortunately, there are some pretty big issues with X-Men: Apocalypse , one of the largest being its corney villain. Apocalypse’s storyline is pretty boring. He kind of just wakes up, kills a few people, and then touches a TV to learn how to speak English. Apocalypse then spends more of the movie just convincing people to join his cause, in a very creepy way. He’s pretty forgettable. There’s no moment in the film where you believe Apocalypse is capable of destroying the world, which is odd because he causes a lot of destruction. He’s just not scary or threatening.

Next up on the list is Magento’s storyline. After causing a huge ruckus in X-Men: Days of Future Past , Magneto decides he’ll settle down in Poland. He has a wife and an adorable mutant daughter who is basically Snow White. We won’t go into what happened to his family, but it’s infuriatingly pointless and pretty dumb way to give Magneto a reason to be mad at the world again. Magneto has his experiences in Auschwitz to keep him angry at the world.

All in all, If you’re a fan of the X-Men films, you’ll enjoy X-Men: Apocalypse . If you love superhero movies, you’ll probably want to wait until this comes out on in Redbox. X-Men: Apocalypse is out in theaters May 27.

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