'ADR1FT' Xbox One Port Cancelled By Devs; 'Get A Refund Immediately', Says Orth

ADR1FT Photo: Three One Zero

If you’ve been anxiously awaiting the Xbox One port of ADR1FT, now might be a good time to cancel your pre-order and start eyeing other first-person exploration titles. Barring a major development, in the next few days, it sounds like the next version of ADR1FT has officially been put on ice. And there’s probably not much chance of the VR-supported title being thawed again anytime soon.

To make matters worse, it doesn’t seem like Microsoft or Three One Zero plan to make any sort of formal announcement about the sudden cancellation of the Xbox One port. What little we know about the situation comes courtesy of NewGameNetwork, who received confirmation from studio founder (and ADR1FT creator) Adam Orth over the weekend. Unfortunately, Orth has yet to provide a reason for the cancellation. ADR1FT never set the industry on fire; however, it did earn middling scores from critics and and fans. And that’s usually more than enough for publishers to justify the relatively inexpensive job of porting a title to other platforms.

Orth also had to dampen a fan’s spirits on Twitter, after they’d revealed a recent ADR1FT pre-order, informing the user of their mistake and advising they rectify the situation as soon as possible.

“That’s not real,” Orth wrote. “You should get a refund immediately.”

The news will undoubtedly come as a disappointment to some in the Xbox One community. But it’s always good to remember that ADR1FT will remain available on currently-supported platforms. So it’s always possible those who don’t currently own a PS4 and/or gaming PC will get a chance to play ADR1FT at some point in the future. For his part, Orth says he hopes those interested can “find some way to experience” the game before it eventually disappears into the ether.

ADR1FT is now available on PS4 and PC.

Be sure to check back with iDigitalTimes.com for more ADR1FT news throughout 2016 and however long Three One Zero continues to support ADR1FT in the months ahead.

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