‘Agents Of SHIELD’ Season 4: New Director Confirmed As [SPOILER], But Inhuman

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Phil Coulson is no longer the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Who will take his place in Season 4.
Phil Coulson is no longer the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Who will take his place in Season 4. ABC

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 episode 2, “Meet The Boss,” introduced ‘Jeffrey,’ Agent Coulson’s replacement as new director. We didn’t even know his last name before he surprised us all with inhuman abilities. Then, the easter eggs just came pouring in. First, it was the mention of Peggy Carter. Then, the talk of the aftermath of Captain America: Civil War. And finally, Agent Coulson and ‘Jeffrey’ got to talking about Cap himself.

Jeffrey Mace aka The Patriot is the new director of SHIELD.
Jeffrey Mace aka The Patriot is the new director of SHIELD. ABC

We later find out Agent Coulson resigned as SHIELD director in the hope Steve Rogers would take his place. Considering Steve is nowhere to be found after the Sokovia incident, SHIELD found the next best thing.

“You wanted a hero,” Jeffrey says during a heated conversation with Coulson after he reveals he wanted a powered person whom the public could trust as the next SHIELD director.

All clues pointed to this ‘Jeffrey’ actually being Jeffrey Mace, a fill-in Captain America better known as The Patriot. When politicians came and toured SHIELD in the last episode, they all wanted a picture with the new director, almost like he was famous. Turns out, he is famous… because he is The Patriot, Executive Producers Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen confirmed to Entertainment Weekly.

The Patriot's MCU origins will be different. The first big change is that Jeffrey Mace is an inhuman.
The Patriot's MCU origins will be different. The first big change is that Jeffrey Mace is an inhuman. Marvel

“We are excited to have the Patriot joining our show, a character who has existed in Marvel Comics for 70 years,”the producers revealed. “Jason O’Mara brings a perfect balance of charm, mystery, heroism and humor.”

The catch is, this version of Jeffrey Mace is an inhuman. As of right now, Jeffrey appears to have powers reminiscent of Luke Cage -- superhuman strength and durability. We’ll have to wait to find out The Patriot’s origin story and history with Agent Coulson and The Avengers.

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