Nothing happened in Arrow season 4 episode 14, “Code of Silence.” If you haven’t watched, there are spoilers ahead, but you didn’t miss much.
The Demolition Team was a total bust, but did make for a few good fight scenes worth watching. The supervillain trio with nailguns and axes as their weapons of choice were no match for team Arrow. The de-construction specialists failed to kill Oliver during his Mayoral debate with Ruve Adams (Darhk’s wife).
The two important revelations occurred the last 5 minutes: Damien Darhk kidnaps William, and Felicity may be able to walk again.
Here’s the good news first. Felicity’s Palmer Tech side kick, Curtis, developed a microchip that could help Felicity walk by wedding day if implanted in her spine ASAP. Bad news, Felicity may find out Oliver has a son.
First, Thea finds something suspicious while doing background research for Oliver’s Mayoral campaign. She discovers the $1 million dollar check her Mother wrote to Oliver’s ex girlfriend, Samantha Clayton. Oliver is overridden with guilt, but Thea advises him not to tell Felicity about William. What the two don’t realize is that Malcolm Merlyn already told Damien Darhk about William.
Darhk himself does not appear in the episode until the last minute. In the final scene, Darhk brings William to his home and introduces him to his daughter. He says William will be staying for a while. This means that he either killed or captured Samantha too. At this point, it appears Oliver will be forced to confront Darhk head on next episode.
Will Damien Darhk expose Oliver’s secret before he has a chance to tell Felicity? Will Felicity be able to walk again? Those are the overarching questions for next week’s episode, “Taken.”
How do you think this will play out? Let us know in the comments below!