‘Arrow’ Season 5 Episode 3 Recap: Six Crucial Scenes From ‘A Matter Of Trust’

'Arrow' Season 5 premieres Oct. 5.
'Arrow' Season 5 premieres Oct. 5. CW

Nothing really happened as far a story development in Arrow Season 5 episode 3, “A Matter of Trust.” Instead, it was all about the characters. There was no sign of Prometheus, but we finally saw Team Arrow 2.0 suited up for the first time to face Stardust, played by former WWE wrestler Cody Rhodes. Let’s just say Green Arrow and Stardust have some history in the ring. Last night’s episode served as a rematch, and Green Arrow took the W once again.

Here are the most important scenes from “A Matter of Trust.”

Adrian Chase Is The New District Attorney

Adrian Chase is Star City’s new district attorney, and he doesn’t like Oliver very much. They actually met 12 years ago. Oliver went home with Adrian’s girlfriend, but the DA says he “doesn’t hold grudges.” I highly doubt that. Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim told Collider we’ll find out more about Chase in episode 7.

Dig Hallucinates Deadshot

Dig is serving time in prison because he’s been set up for the murder of several men in his military unit. While behind bars, he hallucinates that Deadshot is his roommate. It isn’t until Lyla comes to visit him that he realizes Deadshot isn’t real, just a figment of his imagination. He feels he needs to be punished for killing his brother, Andy, last season.

Former WWE Wrestler Cody Rhodes As Stardust

Wild Dog thought he finished Derek Sampson, but the Stardust dealer comes back to life with superhuman abilities. Arrow is forced to try and finish the job himself. However, ‘Stardust’ kicks his ass. In round 2, Arrow slits all of Stardust’ tendons to take him down.

Felicity Tells Ragman About Havenrock

Felicity has been keeping the fact that she killed Ragman’s family a secret, but she finally tells him the truth. Ragman simply walked away and didn’t say anything to Felicity when she told him.

Quentin Is Deputy Mayor

Even though Thea went behind Oliver’s back to give Quentin Lance the job of Deputy Mayor, Oliver eventually publicly supported her decision. After Black Canary’s death, Quentin started drinking again. It’ll be interesting to see how he handles this newfound responsibility. He and Oliver haven't always been on the same page.

Lyla Wants Oliver To Break Dig Out Of Prison

After visiting Dig in prison, Lyla comes to the bunker to tell Oliver they’re breaking him out. Next week’s synopsis reveals Oliver will agree to break his best friend out of prison, but at what cost?

Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m.

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