‘Arrow’ Season 5 ‘Invasion!’ Crossover: Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Darhk, Slade Wilson Appearances Confirmed

What is that glowing object? Must be some kind of alien tech.
What is that glowing object? Must be some kind of alien tech. CW

DC Entertainment’s Hector Navarro just confirmed Arrow’s 100th episode, the third night of CW’s ‘Invasion!’ crossover event, will also feature Malcolm Merlyn and Damien Darhk. The reveal was part of DC Access broadcast released on YouTube this afternoon.

“Arrow’s got all the good guys, but they've also got all the bad guys,” Navarro said as shots of Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Darhk, and Manu Bennett as Slade Wilson (aka Deathstroke) filled the screen. It’s still unclear in what capacity we will see these characters. Whether or not they are part of Oliver’s alternate reality created by The Dominators, or if they are back as a result of Flashpoint remains to be seen.

Until now, fans were concerned the man behind Deathstroke’s mask wasn’t Manu Bennett's Slade Wilson, and possibly someone else taking the mantle. But now it’s confirmed Manu Bennett is returning as Deathstroke. Awesome! By saying “all the bad guys,” Navarro could be implying we’ll also see some other in addition to the three he specified. A Captain Cold cameo would certainly be a crowd pleaser too.

Navarro also revealed a small tidbit about The Dominator’s origin. He said there first arrived on Earth in Redmond, Oregon in 1951. That could be what we saw in the classified ARGUS footage released last week.

The ‘Invasion!’ crossover event starts with Supergirl Nov. 28 at 8 p.m. on The CW.

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