CW’s four-night crossover event already has a ton of guest appearances, Arrow’s “Invasion!” episode in particular. Oliver will experience an alternate reality that brings back Laurel Lance, Moira Queen, Robert Queen and presumably Deathstroke. Stephen Amell and Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim have said they’re bringing back everyone that they could to celebrate Arrow’s 100th episode. This makes you wonder whether to expect more surprise appearances than have already been announced. And there’s certainly a few fan favorites from Arrow in the running, as well as a few characters from The Flash and Supergirl that we haven't seen in the crossover trailers. The event is about three hours long in total, so we should expect some surprises. Here’s which characters we’d like to see most.
Tommy Merlyn
Tommy died trying to save Laurel early on in Arrow. There’s speculation that he could return as a villain this season, maybe even Prometheus. There’s always the possibility that Flashpoint brought him back to life. Since he and Oliver didn’t really leave off on the best terms, he could be out for vengeance. Lord knows his father, Malcolm Merlyn, is the perfect role model for a villain.

Roy Harper
Fans have been yearning for The Arsenal's return ever since Colton Haynes departed the series after his character moved to Hub City. There’s nothing better than a classic green-red, Oliver-Roy team up. It’d also be great to see Thea and Roy reunited, even just for a minute.

We met Hourman, Dr. Mid-Nite, Obsidian, Commander Steel and Stargirl this season in Legends of Tomorrow , but it was only for one episode. I can't imagine that if the world was about to end, whatever is left of the JSA wouldn’t already know about it. Where are they?

There’s a one-in-a-million chance this will happen but Superman should totally come help. He won’t because it would take the spotlight off Supergirl, but we can only hope maybe CW could secure him for next year.

Rip Hunter
Rip Hunter has been MIA for nearly all of Legends Season 2 and we have no explanation as to what happened to him. We do know that Barry Allen contacted him from the year 2056 to warn him of an impending threat. Barry told him to keep the message a secret. We will find out the contents of that message in one of the “Invasion!” episodes, which could mean we’ll see Rip Hunter too, or at least find out where he is.

Jesse Quick
Jesse Quick is safe and sound on Earth-3, but two speedsters are better than one.

Martian Manhunter
I’m really hoping CW doesn’t leave J’onn out of this team-up. He’s pictured on the Supergirl crossover poster, but he’s nowhere to be seen in any of the footage. With powers that rival Superman and more combat experiences than Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl combined, there’s no reason he shouldn't be part of the “Invasion!” lineup.

Kid Flash
Why not three speedsters? Last episode of The Flash , Alchemy gave Wally his Flashpoint powers back. We’ll definitely see Wally in the crossover episodes, but whether we’ll see him suited up as Kid Flash is another question. I’d imagine Joe and Barry may be hesitant of putting him to work so soon after he got his powers. Kid Flash isn’t in any of the group shots either. As far as we know, he doesn’t even have a proper costume.

Malcolm Merlyn is also an honorable mention. We know he’ll appear in next week’s episode of Legends , but it’s rare Arrow is heading into it’s eighth episode of the season and Malcolm is MIA. There’s a strong possibility he could pop up somewhere in Oliver’s alternate reality. But as far as a crossover cameo, John Barrowman vs. aliens. Enough said.

The “Invasion!” crossover event begins with Supergirl Nov. 28 at 8 p.m. on The CW.