Last week during a Facebook Live , Stephen Amell was asked to describe how he felt about the Arrow Season 5 premiere episode in one word. He chose “Legacy.” As it turns out, this was no coincidence. Showrunner Marc Guggenheim revealed today that “Legacy” is actually the title of the premiere episode, which strongly hints Oliver will struggle emotionally after the loss of Laurel Lance, one of his most trusted allies since Season 1. We may also find out what favor Black Canary asked of Oliver just before she took her last breath.
Arrow Season 5 begins production today. @MericlesHappen @GBerlanti @JamesBamford
— Marc Guggenheim (@mguggenheim) July 5, 2016
Guggenheim also posted a photo of a memorial statue for Black Canary, which will presumably be built as a symbol to remind Arrow not to return to his old ways of vigilantism in the wake of losing his ex (and current) girlfriend in a matter of days.
“The idea of Black Canary and what it means and what it embodies in Star City is something we are going to examine this year,” Amell said as he walked on a treadmill while talking to fans.
Arrow Season 5 production art glimpse…
— Marc Guggenheim (@mguggenheim) June 22, 2016
Just because Laurel Lance is dead doesn’t mean Oliver, or the rest of the Arrowverse, won’t catch wind of her sassy doppleganger, Black Siren. In fact, actress Katie Cassidy has her fingers crossed for a role next to her sister, Sara Lance, on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow .
“I mean emotionally it would be more difficult for [Sara] to see her sister like that. Because Laurel of Earth-1 doesn't really have a bad bone in her body. I think she means well and has a good heart. So to see this side of her, it's not really Laurel. It's the antithesis. I think it would be awesome and amazing and such a cool dynamic. Just create more story for Legends . It would be great,” Cassidy told CinemaBlend.

Oliver also has his own legacy to worry about, now that he’ll be in the public eye as Mayor of Star City. Laurel Lance was set for a new job as Star City’s District Attorney before she was killed by Damien Darhk. If she had lived, she would have proved a formidable ally standing next to Oliver as D.A. However, now that she’s gone, Arrow will have to use everything Laurel has taught him about fighting above the law to succeed in his new position.
Arrow Season 5 kicks off production today, July 5, and returns to The CW on Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 8 p.m.