‘Arrow’ Season 5: What Talia Al Ghul’s Role Could Mean

'Arrow' Season 5 premieres Oct. 5.
'Arrow' Season 5 premieres Oct. 5. CW

In DC’s Legends of Tomorrow , we met a young version of Talia al Ghul at Nanda Parbat in 1960. She was training with her father during the same time Sara came back from the future. There was some foreshadowing that we’d see Talia once again, when Ra’s introduced her to Sara.

“Watch this one closely, Talia,” Ra’s says as he looks at Sara. “There’s much you can learn from her.”

Arrow Season 5 is bringing back an older version of Talia al Ghul. Lexa Doig of Continuum will play the character The CW describes as "the daughter of Ra's al Ghul (Matt Nable) and the half-sister of Nyssa (Katrina Law). Worldly and cultured, Talia is an elite warrior who doesn't pick sides but rather creates her own.” In the comics, Talia is both a lover and an enemy to Batman. They actually had a child together, the current Robin, Damian Wayne.

The Legends episode where Talia first appeared is also when Sara tells Ra’s that in Oct. 2008, that he sees his daughter is off the coast of Lian Yu, meaning Nyssa, who has yet to be born at the time. It’s presumably the Lazarus Pit that has kept Talia looking young between the time we saw her on Legends , to when she shows up in Arrow Season 5 episode 10. Her appearance begs the question of whether we’ll also see see Nyssa.

Nysaa last appeared in Season 4. Oliver needed her help to save Thea, but she demands Oliver kill Malcolm Merlyn, the current Ra’s al Ghul, in exchange for the cure. Malcolm agrees, but goes back on his words. Oliver suggests he face Nyssa in trial by combat, and he obliges. However, Oliver takes Nyssa’s place in the battle using old League of Assassins rules saying a husband can fight for his wife. Oliver defeated Malcolm Merlyn and gave the ring to Nyssa. She disbanded the League of Assassins and melted the ring.

It remains to be seen whether Talia appears on Arrow as a friend or foe of Oliver’s. Considering Nyssa ended the League of Assassins and Oliver killed her father, she may have some business to work out the two. She could also be looking for or working with Malcolm Merlyn, who still hasn’t appeared in Arrow S eason 5.

There’s also the option that Talia will appear in the form of flashbacks, which could fill some holes about what she’s been doing since we saw her on Legends. It’s odd we haven't seen her at some point during present day, but there’s always the chance she has ties to Oliver’s past somehow. She'll appear in multiple episodes after the Invasion! event with Legends, Supergirl, and The Flash. We can't rule out her role having something to do with what happens during the crossover episodes.

How do you think Talia will fit into Arrow Season 5? Let us know in the comments below. Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW.

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