Talia Al Ghul will appear in Arrow Season 5 episode 11, but we still know very little about her role. Wendy Mericle revealed last week she’ll play a “crucial part” in taking down Prometheus, which suggested we’ll meet her in the present day. However, the synopsis for “Second Chances” suggests she will also appear in flashbacks.
TALIA AL GHUL TAKES OLIVER UNDER HER WING — In his quest to take down Kovar, Oliver (Stephen Amell) gets help from a surprising source – Talia al Ghul (guest star Lexa Doig). However, when she reveals what she wants from him in exchange, Oliver isn’t sure he can accept her help. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) attempts to hack the NSA to help free Diggle (David Ramsey) but when her online efforts are flagged, she faces off against an unknown adversary. Meanwhile, Curtis (Echo Kellum) tells the team about a female vigilante, Tina Boland (guest star Juliana Harkavay), he uncovered online who has been wreaking havoc all over the country.
As it turns out, Oliver runs into Talia in Russia during his mission to take down Konstantin Kovar. Given this information, the prediction that Talia taught Oliver and Prometheus in Russia could be true. The synopsis says Talia takes Oliver under her wing -- likely meaning she trains him. It’s possible Prometheus trained with Talia before or after Oliver did. The episode could be flashing back to when Talia mentored Oliver in Russia, while Oliver also searches for her in present day.

Talia was raised in the League of Assassins, and trained her brutal father, Ra’s Al Ghul, it’s unclear how she ended up in Russia at the same time as Oliver. Last we saw her was in Legends of Tomorrow at Nanda Parbat in the 1960’s, training with Sara Lance. Talia is a force to be reckoned with. Oliver told Diggle in a promo that she’ll be hard to find, because she moves around a lot. Stephen Amell also spoke of a boys road trip to find a “certain woman” in a Facebook Live after the midseason finale.
Are you excited for Talia al Ghul? let us know in the comments below! Arrow returns Jan. 25.