Battlefield 1’s first major DLC ‘They Shall Not Pass’ is set to release in March. Until now we’ve been left with concept art and small teases to know what to expect. I love concept art as much as the next combat medic, but I’m excited to finally get detailed description of what to expect in the DLC. To see the new maps click here, for everything else look below.
New Army:
I still find it hard to believe that the French Army was not featured in vanilla Battlefield 1. Much of the war was fought in France and the French lost well over 1 million soldiers. There was even a petition to boycott the game in anger over their exclusion. Now the wrong is righted, the French Army will be joining the fray.
New Game Mode:
A new gamemode is always the most exciting news for me. Come March, we will be playing ‘Frontlines,’ which promises to be a mix of Conquest and Rush. Teams will be fighting over a string of single control points, pushing the enemy back as they take one. What will result is a tug of war of each team trying to drive the other back. After capturing a control point, the game enters a ‘Rush-style’ section where you must plant or defuse bombs on telegraph lines.
New Vehicles:
Two French tanks will be available for battle: the Char 2C tank, which will be a behemoth weapon, and the St. Charmond, which in real life was poorly designed but I’m sure the Battlefield version will be fully functional.

There will also be a new stationary weapon, the Siege Howitzer. You’ll be able to jump is as an infantry and hammer the enemy from the overhead view that mortars and artillery use.
New Elite Class:
The ‘Trench Raider’ will have devastating Melee weapon and a large arsenal of grenades. So if you like charging in and causing chaos and devastation, the Trench Raider is for you.
Two New Operations:
‘The Devil’s Anvil’ and ‘Beyond the Marne’ will join our all two short list of Operations modes. Expect them to be comprised of the new Maps that have been announced.
New Weapons:
DICE puts it best: ‘Get to know the Ribeyrolles 1918, RSC 1917, Lebel Model 1886, Chauchat, Sjögren Inertial, and the MLE 1903 Extended. Experience physical immersion of the brutal melee combat with new weapons like the Cogwheel Club, the Nail Knife and the Trench Fleur.’
This is certainly an exciting flood of new information and has gotten me excited to get back to the frontline. You can read more details on the DLC here. If you can’t wait until March, don’t forget the substantial ‘Winter Update’ is releasing next week!