Don’t you just love it when some E3-related rumors are actually true?
In this case, it’s the one about Borderlands 2, and the reported DLC announcement to be made sometime during E3. This DLC, as reported first by PlayStation Lifestyle with an anonymous source, will be made available for free, and acts as a bridge between the sizable gap of Borderlands 2 and the upcoming Borderlands 3.
Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary will get a store page soon
— lashman (@RobotBrush) June 5, 2019
(that's the new DLC bridging the story to Blands 3)
True enough, just yesterday, the Steam install page for this supposed DLC was leaked and collated on ResetEra, and now all we have to do is wait for its official announcement. The DLC is called Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary, and it’s a big one; you will get to fight entirely new bosses, explore new zones and of course get new loot, with the DLC introducing an entire new tier beyond Legendary. The level cap has also been increased to 80, which suggests just how big the DLC is. Newcomers, however, can still get to enjoy it just for the story, as there is an option to immediately boost characters to level 30 to access Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary.
Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary sees you team up with Lilith the Siren and the rest of the Crimson Raiders as they try to take on an insane antagonist that’s hellbent on ruling Pandora. This villain is responsible for the ensuing chaos which lead to the events of the DLC – Sanctuary is under heavy siege; the Vault’s map has been stolen and toxic gas is being flooded into Pandora.
Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary will get a store page soon
— lashman (@RobotBrush) June 5, 2019
(that's the new DLC bridging the story to Blands 3)
As far as free DLCs go, this is actually pretty amazing. Borderlands 2 is seven years old now, and to see Gearbox do a DLC to bridge the gap between it and the upcoming Borderlands 3 is a boon for returning players. It also helped ease a couple of the worries I had when the rumor first appeared, such as the DLC being made available as an Epic Games Store exclusive, following a move to sell the title on the same store. Phew.
You can check out its Steam install page here, which is still up at the time of writing. There’s no news about the console versions, though it would be safe to assume they will all be announced during E3, which is when this DLC is supposed to be officially unveiled.
Borderlands 3 will be released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and the Epic Games Store on PC on September 13.