Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered players are getting six new maps on Tuesday, Dec. 13. The incoming maps complete the list of maps available in the original Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare:
- Bloc
- Countdown
- Pipeline
- Showdown
- Strike
- Wet Work

In addition to the new maps, Activision also announced a special 'Winter Crash' map, a Christmas-themed repaint of the original Crash Map that takes place at night.

Likewise, a Genesis Holiday Map is coming to Call of Duty Infinite Warfare to spread more holiday cheer. The Christmas themed map will be accompanied by a 24/7 Genesis Holiday playlist.

Infinite Warfare content doesn't end there – Activision is offering a brand new Epic Prototype "Hailstorm Thunder" Pistol to loyal players that have played both Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare. The new Hailstorm Thunder features a shiny and elegant design and a powerful three-round burst. A Whirlwind perk enables fast cycling and auto burst, although players will experience increased recoil. A second Focus Perk reduces idle sway while aiming down sights.
But the Thunder pistol isn't the only item coming to Infinite Warfare this month – "12 Days of Winter" ensures cool gifts every day from Dec. 21 through Jan. 1, 2017. Players can receive these gifts simply by logging time on Infinite Warfare every day. The freebies can be anything from big Salvage and Key bonuses to winter-themed personal items or prototypes. Last but not least, don't miss out on Double XP events that will be announced soon.
Stay tuned as we expect to learn more about Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered from Activision in the days ahead.