Released back in 2016, Civilization VI is still getting post-launch support from developer Firaxis. The game just received a brand new DLC called Maya & Gran Colombia Pack. It is the first DLC for the New Frontier Pass. If you don’t want to buy the pass then you can purchase the DLC separately for only $8.99. However, if you do decide to buy the Pass, then you will get additional goodies like Teddy Roosevelt and Catherine De Medici Persona Packs.

Maya & Gran Colombia Pack brings two different civilizations and leaders. Maya is the leader of Lady Six Sky and Simón Bolívar is the leader of Gran Colombia. The update also brought a new ‘Apocalypse’ game mode, but you do need the Gathering Storm expansion in order to play. Highlights of the update are mentioned below. You can read the complete patch notes on the official site.
Includes the Maya civilization with Lady Six Sky, the Hul’che unique unit, and the Observatory unique district.
- Civ Unique Ability: The “Mayab” ability gives Maya housing and gold bonuses from Farms, and Amenity bonus for Luxury resources adjacent to the City Center. Settling adjacent to Coasts or Fresh Water does not provide housing bonuses.
- Leader Unique Ability: Lady Six Sky’s “Ix Mutal Ajaw” ability lets the Maya gain yield bonuses to non-capital cities, and a combat bonus to units, within six tiles of the capital.
- Unique Unit: The Hul’che, a stronger replacement for the Archer and receives bonus combat strength when attacking wounded units.
- Unique District: The Observatory replaces the Campus and adds a minor adjacency bonus with Farms and a major adjacency bonus with Plantations.
Also includes the Gran Colombia civilization with Simón Bolívar, the Llanero and Comandante General unique units, and the Hacienda unique improvement.
- Civ Unique Ability: With the “Ejercito Patriota” ability, Gran Colombia receives a movement bonus to all units, and promoting a unit does not end the unit’s turn.
- Leader Unique Ability: Simón Bolívar has the “Campana Admirable” ability, granting a Comandante General when entering a new Era.Unique Units: Gran Colombia features two unique units:
- The Comandante General is a Great General with unique abilities, including Passive and Retire effects.
- The Llanero replaces the Cavalry. It requires less maintenance, receives a combat bonus for every adjacent Llanero and fully heals when in range of a Comandante General that activates.
- Unique Improvement: The Hacienda provides Production, Gold and Housing bonuses, and a Food bonus for each adjacent Plantation. Plantations and Haciendas receive Production bonuses for adjacent Haciendas.
New “Apocalypse” Game Mode (Requires the Gathering Storm expansion to play)
- Adds Forest Fires and Meteor Showers as disaster types to all games.
- An optional, specialized game mode with exclusive rule changes:
- New disasters: Comet Impact and Solar Flares.
- Larger versions of existing disasters.
- New military unit: Soothsayer, a Support unit that can trigger natural disasters at the player’s command.
- New scored competition: Sacrifice units to volcanoes. Requires Soothsayers to use their unique action on friendly units near a volcano.
- The world enters an apocalyptic state when climate change reaches its maximum level.