Clash Of Clans Winter Update sneak peeks are starting tomorrow, but, while you wait, Supercell has already released a quick look at new troop and resource icons on the official forums.
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As shown in the image above, many of the new graphics are just minor refreshes of the old ones. In general, the style’s a bit brighter and more cartoony than what you might be accustomed to. For comparison’s sake, we’ve posted a screenshot with the current versions below. Also privy to a new coat of paint are the Gold, Elixir and Dark Elixir icons as well. They look a bit sharper than before.

Of course, with a complicated game like Clash Of Clans, the look of a troop hardly matters compared to what it can do in war. As noted in the source post, Supercell promises to unveil “update news & balancing info” through a sneak peek or two tomorrow.
Despite Supercell’s Twitter hint on Wednesday, it’s not immediately clear what the so-called Winter update will contain. Teases indicate that the team is working on a new game mode and some possible cameo troops from Clash Royale, but those might not be ready for primetime yet. As for the fans, there’s been lots of demand from skilled players to bring balance to Town Hall 10 and 11.
Clash Of Clans received its last major content update in October with a series of new troop levels, balance adjustments and army training features. It was a pretty meaty patch, so we wouldn’t be shocked if December’s round of fixes was a bit smaller. The general consensus amongst players is that everything could be live by Dec. 25, but the developers may have different ideas.
While you’re here, you might also want to check out the latest update for Clash Royale that just released today. It’s got an assortment of tweaks, a new challenge and the groundwork for fresh cards and Arenas.
Clash Of Clans is available now on Android and iOS.
How do you feel about the new troop icon designs? What do you want from the Winter Update? Tell us in the comments section!