Clash Royale will be seeing new card balance changes this month. Find out which cards get buffed and which get nuked in August's upcoming balance update.Supercell
Clash Royale's next set of balance changes are coming August 24. Find out which cards are getting upgrades and which are getting nuked.
The Supercell team is finally back from vacation and that means, hit games Clash Royale and Clash of Clans are both looking at some upcoming changes in the next month.
In a post written Monday morning, Supercell let Clash Royale fans know balancing changes are on the way for the 15 cards of its cards. While cards like the Bowler, Lumberjack and Log are getting buffed, 5 other cards, including the Princess and the Zap spell will see their powers decreased. As always, Supercell makes changes to various cards’ powers anytime they see it has an unusually high or low rate of use. The goal is to keep the game as fun and as balanced as possible so focus remains on strategy over brute force. Check out a complete rundown of what’s to come in the next set of Clash Royale balance changes below.
Clash Royale August Balance Changes: Which Cards Are Getting Upgraded?
10 cards will get an upgrade during Supercell's August 24 card balancing changes for Clash RoyaleiDigitalTimes
Baby Dragon - Hit Speed increased to 1.6sec (from 1.8sec)
I personally pretty happy about this change. In some of the lower arenas, the baby dragon was a favorite card, but the higher you climb, the more you’ll find yourself reaching for something a little more effective. Hopefully increasing the hit speed will give the Baby Dragon the boost it needs to become more popular.
Dark Prince - Damage increased by 7.5%
This is a smart change. I haven’t used the Dark Prince as often due to it lacking ever so slightly in edge.
Bowler - Elixir cost decreased to 5 (from 6) Hitpoints decreased by 7%, Damage decreased by 10%
So the changes to the Bowler are kind of a mixed bag, but hopefully it will make him a more viable option.
Lumberjack: Speed increased to Very Fast (from Fast), Hit Speed increased to 0.7sec (from 1.1sec), Damage decreased by 23%
Speed increase was definitely needed for this card, though I’m not sure how the decreased damage will affect its use.
The Log: Cast time decreased by 66%, travel speed increased by 20%
Yeesh, it’s about time…
Golem - Hit and Death Damage increased by 5%, Hitpoints increased by 1% Golemite - Hit and Death Damage increased by 8%, Hitpoints increased by 3.2%
I understand the need to give this guy more power in order to justify 8 elixir, I’m just kinda shaking in my shoes thinking about it being any stronger though. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.
P.E.K.K.A - Damage increased by 5%
P.E.K.K.A definitely needed a boost, though I’m more inclined to think speeding him up would be more effective. Still, a 5% damage increase at least makes him more interesting. Still not sure I’d put him in my deck, though.
Tombstone - Spawn Speed increased to 2.5sec (from 2.9sec)
This is probably a smart change. Other than in the early arenas, I’ve never really found a way to properly leverage the tombstone, but it can serve as quite a distracting annoyance in an opponents’ strategy.
Archers - Damage increased by 2%
This is a good change. The archers are a great long distance defense option but I find myself going with the spear goblins more often. The increased damage might make them more viable.
Prince - Damage increased by 2%
Another well thought out change. Once you learn how to combat the prince he becomes a very unattractive option. Increasing his damage may help him to get a slight bit more of an edge if he does manage to reach a target.
Clash Royale August Balance Changes: Which Cards Are Getting Downgraded?
5 cards will get a downgrade during Supercell's August 24 card balancing changes for Clash RoyaleiDigitalTimes
Royal Giant - Hit Speed decreased to 1.7sec (from 1.5sec)
Zap - Stun Duration decreased to 0.5sec (from 1sec)
Princess - Area Damage radius decreased by 25%
Ice Wizard - Hit Points decreased by 5%
Miner: Deploy Time increased to 1sec (from 0.7sec), Hitpoints decreased by 6%