Clash Royale’s November update is right around the corner as leaked cards and sneak peeks begin arriving daily. Find out what the King's Cup random deck challenge is all about, which new cards are rumored for this update cycle, balance changes and more.
On Friday, Supercell announced new balance changes coming to Clash Royale November 1. Around the same time, leaks began appearing online concerning four new cards expected to release in the game during the month of November, including an interesting new legendary called the “Electric Wizard.”
We’ve gathered all the sneak peeks, leaked cards and other update news we could find and compiled it here to give you a better idea of what may be coming in Clash Royale’s November update cycle. Check it out.
Clash Royale November 1 Balance Changes

On November 1, Supercell will add a few small tweaks to five cards. They are as follows:
Ice Spirit - this card will see it’s freeze duration decreased from 2 seconds to 1.5sec.The change is due to the card being overused in the upper arenas. The developers believe the card may offer a little too much halting power for its low cost of one elixir.
Ice Golem - This card sees it’s Death Damage increased by 74 percent. The change was made so that skeletons will now be obliterated by his death damage.
Rage – This spell gets a boost, going from 30 percent to 35 percent effect. While the rage spell is one of my favorite cards to use, according to Supercell, the card doesn’t get much play. The change in effect will hopefully increase its usage.
Lumberjack - To keep it consistent with the Rage spell changes, the Lumberjack’s rage effect will increase to 35 percent from 30 percent.
Inferno Tower - This card sees its hitpoints decreased by 6 percent. According to Supercell, it is currently one of the top defensive choices making large tank cards like the Golem a less desirable choice in players’ decks. Reducing the Inferno Tower’s hit points may improve the situation.
Clash Royale November Update Sneak Peeks
In addition to balance changes, Supercell also began releasing update sneak peeks over the weekend. So far three sneak peeks have been released, revealing changes coming and new content in the November update.
Clash Royale Sneak Peek #1 - Friendly Battles Get Friendlier
Friendly battles are now getting even friendlier as the November update will cause players’ cards to be leveled up or down to Tournament Rules levels. This places players on an even playing ground and allows them to show off their true skill and strategy against their opponent.
Clash Royale Sneak Peek #2 – New Cards

Speculation and leaks concerning new cards in the next update were running rampant this weekend and on Sunday, the company finally confirmed that four new cards would be coming to the November update – the first of which is scheduled to release November 11. While Supercell has only revealed one of the four cards – a new tornado spell – the other three cards have reportedly leaked online and their descriptions have been listed below. Just keep in mind, only the Tornado Spell has been confirmed by Supercell so the other three cards mentioned are currently only rumors, not confirmed.
Card #1 – Tornado Spell (Confirmed)
The Tornado spell is an epic card and will cost 3 elixir to deploy. When deployed the tornado spell will draw all enemy troops towards the center of the tornado and deals some damage over time. Using a card like this in combination with a fireball or other airborne splash damage card and the tornado spell could become a powerful counter attack tool. The card is scheduled to release November 11, with three other card releases behind it, one coming every two weeks.
Card #2 – Electric Wizard (Rumored)

This is one of three other cards leaked online and rumored to appear as part of the next Clash Royale update. The card, which was leaked from a Russian source, translates as the “Electric Wizard” and is rumored to be a new legendary. The card will purportedly cost 4 elixir and is a powerful new wizard who “lands with a POW” that stuns nearby troops. He can also zap two troops at a time.
Card #3 – Duplication Spell (Rumored)

This is another leaked epic card, rumored to release this month. The card costs 3 elixir and duplicates all friendly cards with a radius of 3.
Card #4 – Mega Barbarian (Rumored)
This card is common and will cost 6 elixir to deploy. According to the leaked description, the card deploys two barbarians that are bigger, stronger and faster than your standard barbarians. We’re not sure if they’d be worth the cost, but they are an interesting concept.
Clash Royale Sneak Peek #3 – King's Cup 'Blind Deck' Challenges
Supercell has just announced a new in-game King's Cup event challenge. The King's Cup will be a limited time challenge with special rules and will be free to enter the first time. The challenge begins November 4. Based on the gameplay seen in videos from Chief Pat and Clash with Ash, the King's Cup challenges bring an interesting twist -- blind decks! With these challenges, players are given random decks created by the Supercell team for players to battle with. The decks may include legendary cards that the players don't have in their regular collection which is kind of a fun perk as it allows them to test their skills with cards they have only dreamed of acquiring. There is no information yet on how long the King's Cup challenges will be available but Chief pat speculates that it could be a new feature that pops up for special events like Christmas or other holiday periods. Check out more details from Supercell, here.
As more leaks and sneak peeks concerning Clash Royale’s next update appear, we’ll be sure to update this post.