The latest blog post by Bungie revealed some interesting things coming to Destiny 2 in Season 19.
Deep Stone Crypt Weapon Crafting
Bungie is polishing one of the old raids in the game. Deep Stone Crypt is the eighth raid in Destiny 2, introduced in the Beyond Light expansion.
In Season 19, players will have the ability to craft Legendary Deep Stone Crypt weapons. A Deepsight version of a weapon has a chance to appear in the final chest of the raid. Players can normally purchase one of these per week. However, if Deep Stone Crypt is the featured raid, the encounter drops are uncapped, which means that players can run the Deep Stone Crypt raid multiple times in the hunt for Deepsight drops.
Chris Proctor, Senior Design Lead for Destiny 2, said that they’re going to update the perk pools on older weapons as well. This is done by keeping the most popular perk combinations and dropping the rest so that there’s room to add more.
Proctor went on to say that the team is looking to put in perks that synergize well with the ones already found in Deep Stone Crypt weapons, such as Reconstruction, Recombination, and Redirection.
Players can go with some fantastic weapon perk combinations, including Reconstruction plus Focused Fury and Fourth Time’s the Charm with Redirection. All Deep Stone Crypt weapons will also feature a new Origin Trait called Bray Inheritance.
For the uninitiated, Origin Traits are perks that mimic the Intrinsic Perks from the original Destiny game, which provide players with unique and useful benefits. Since the Witch Queen expansion, all weapons in the game now have an added perk column specifically for Origin Traits.
As to what the Bray Inheritance will give players, that remains to be seen.
Bungie Saves Players on Stadia

Last month, Google announced that its online gaming platform, Google Stadia, is shutting down early next year. This spawned fears, especially from those who have been playing Destiny 2 on Stadia.
Fortunately, Bungie has a plan, but it requires players who have their main characters on Stadia to set up Cross-Save with another platform to preserve their data. It is vital that this process is done before January 18 because failure to do so will result in the permanent loss of characters.
Once Cross-Save is set up, players must not deactivate the feature for whatever reason to ensure that they will not lose access to their beloved characters in Destiny 2.
Those who do not know how to use Cross-Save can refer to this guide.
So, what can you say about the latest TWAB?