If you have been playing Destiny for a while, you definitely know who Xur is and about all the exotics he gives you weekly. This week, you can find Xur in the EDZ, in the Winding Cove.
Xur’s inventory for the week of March 27 consists of the following:
- Huckleberry, Exotic Submachine Gun
- The Sixth Coyote, Exotic Hunter Chest Armor
- Crest of Alpha Lupi, Exotic Titan Chest Armor
- Skull of Dire Ahamkara, Exotic Warlock Helmet

The Huckleberry is an Exotic submachine gun from the Warmind DLC, if you hold the gun's trigger, the rate of fire and recoil will increase drastically. Its secondary perk is rampage, which increases damage output with every kill.
The Sixth Coyote:

The Sixth Coyote is an exotic hunter chest armor from the Forsaken DLC. The chest plate’s special perk is allowing a wearer to dodge twice. The chest’s element is void and totals to 47 power.
Crest of Alpha Lupi:

Crest of Alpha Lupi is an exotic titan chest piece. Its perk drops more orbs of light while you use your super ability. You can also gain health regen when you use your secondary ability. The armor is very helpful in PVP and it’s element is solar, with a total of 52 power stats.
Skull of Dire Ahamkara:

Skull of Dire Ahamkara is an exotic warlock helmet. The helmet is only useful if you use nova bomb as your super ability, as the helmet helps reduce the damage taken when you cast the ability. Nova bomb kills also grant super energy. The element is arc with total power stats of 50.
Xur is also offering The Invitation quest for nine legendary shards.
So, what are your thoughts on Xur's offer this week? Do you like any of the Exotics he is selling? Whatever your thoughts may be, let us know in the comments below.