If you have been playing Destiny for a while, you definitely know who Xur is and have a good idea about all the exotics he gives you weekly. This week, you can find Xur in the EDZ at Winding Cove.

Xur’s inventory for the week of September 25 consists of the following:
- Telesto , Exotic Fusion Rifle : 29 Legendary Shards
- Orpheus Rig , Exotic Hunter Leg Armor : 23 Legendary Shards
- Citan's Ramparts , Exotic Titan Gauntlets : 23 Legendary Shards
- Lunafaction Boots , Exotic Warlock Leg Armor : 23 Legendary Shards
- Exotic Engram: 97 Legendary Shards
Telesto :
Telesto is an exotic fusion rifle. Its exotic perk, Unplanned Reprieve, allows playersto damage enemies with a high fire rate and damage. It’s a good exotic to use in PvP and raids as it can deal tons of damage to raid bosses. The projectiles can also stick to players and detonate after a second, which can help you win some gunfights. You can grab the fusion rifle for 29 legendary shards.
Orpheus Rig:
Orpheus Rig is an exotic Hunter leg armor. Its exotic Uncanny Arrows perk generates Super energy when you use the Shadowshot ultimate. This gear is helpful in Nightfalls and Raids, but if you like playing PvP there are many other alternatives such as St0mp-EE5. You can grab the exotic leg armor for 23 legendary shards.
Citan's Ramparts :
Citan's Ramparts is an exotic Titan gauntlet. Its exotic perk, Assault Barricade, allows you and your teammates to shoot through a towering barricade. The barricade doesn’t have much health and doesn't stay around for that long, but it’s helpful in PvP to stop enemies from sliding and using the shotgun. You can grab the exotic Titan gauntlet for 23 legendary shards.
Lunafaction Boots:
Lunafaction Boots is an exotic Warlock leg armor. Its exotic perk, Alchemical Etchings, grants you faster reload speed while you are in an empowering rift. This exotic is very useful in PvE modes such as raids, or events where you are fighting multiple opponents. You can grab the exotic leg armor for 23 legendary shards.
So, what are your thoughts on Xur's offers this week? Do you like any of the Exotics he is selling? Whatever your thoughts may be, let us know in the comments below.