Tons Of New Dragon Ball FighterZ Data Revealed At Gamescom

Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Ball FighterZ Bandai Namco

An avalanche of new Dragon Ball FighterZ information came tumbling out of gamescom on Tuesday. Announcements included four new fighters, information on the Collector’s Edition of the game, pre-order bonuses and a new Dragon Ball FighterZ trailer. And last, but certainly not least, was confirmation that the DBFZ closed beta is just around the corner.

Last month, Bandai Namco announced plans to host a closed beta for Dragon Ball FighterZ and confirmed Trunks would be among the fighters on the game’s roster. The studio followed up at gamescom with the first footage of Trunks in action, along with four more additions to the Dragon Ball FighterZ roster. We also got more information on the closed beta, which is both shorter than we hoped and coming sooner than fans probably expected. The DBFZ closed beta will take place Sept. 16 and 17, and Bandai Namco says those interested can find more information on the game’s website.

Excitement about the latest additions to the Dragon Ball FighterZ roster will vary greatly. We don’t expect many people to have strong opinions on the additions of Krillin or Piccolo, given their increasing irrelevance in Dragon Ball Super , but people might get a bit more excited about the return of Androids 16 and 18. Android 17 will also have a presence in Dragon Ball FighterZ but he’ll only be a companion character for 18. (Like a more violent but less present Ice Climber.) The Androids will also play a central role in the game’s story, previewed for the first time in Dragon Ball FighterZ’s gamescom trailer.

Bandai Namco also announced a $139.99 Collector’s Edition of DBFZ , featuring an assortment of physical goods alongside the upcoming fighting game. In addition to Dragon Ball FighterZ, consumers will also receive a special SteelBook case for the game, a 7-inch Goku statue, three “art boards” and a commemorative box for all the stuff you won’t look at again after launch day. Pre-order customers also get bonus content: Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku and Vegeta, both of whom are “early unlockable” characters, and two exclusive lobby avatars.

For an early look at Dragon Ball FighterZ , take some time to watch the gamescom trailer that debuted Tuesday. Then head down to the comments and let us know if you hope to participate in the closed beta or if you plan to wait for the Dragon Ball FighterZ release date.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is in development for PS4, Xbox One and PC. The game’s closed beta begins Sept. 16 and Dragon Ball FighterZ is expected to debut in early 2018.

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