The 2D isometric action RPG Ember Knights received a major content patch recently. The July Update brought an improved Nexus Shop and a notable change to the revive mechanic.
Arlan’s Nexus Shop in Ember Knights provides players with relics that can boost certain weapons and skills. That said, the Nexus Shop has been updated in the latest patch with an extra podium, new skills, adjusted costs, and a reroll option.
The extra podium and the reroll option, according to the developers, will help players tweak how their next dungeon run will go.
Now, there are two ways to revive allies in Ember Knights. The first is by using revival tokens that can be acquired from Ember Tree upgrades, and the second is by defeating the final boss of the area.
In the July Update, the devs made a notable change in the revive mechanic. Reviving via Ember Tree upgrades and relics now require user input to activate. This resolves the issue where the player wastes their limited revives just before the dungeon boss dies.
Here are the other changes implemented in this update:
- The Mimic King! Includes new room, fight and reward!
- Rift Hammer Adjustments:
- Increased attack speed by 15%
- Increased each attack’s full charge damage
- Increased max damage for 2nd and 3rd attacks
- Attack animations can now be interrupted by Skills or Dodging at any time
- Removed some recovery frames from the 3rd attack
- The jet on the back of the Hammer now appears when "maximum range" is reached
- Evee Care Package
- This is a retheme of the existing timed chests at the end of each area
- All spawned gold will now automatically be collected when leaving a room, regardless of where the spawned gold is or if the visuals fail to catch up to the player leaving the room
- Added food interactions for the Staff and Hammer

- Beguile Adjustments
- Reduced the number of teleports
- Increased the time between teleports
- Increased the time between attacks
- Decreased the number of teleport chains left on the ground and reduced their duration
- Reduced the max HP for all area 3 miniboss variants
- Reduced tracking time of the jump attack for the Weald Wolf
- Revisited and updated all Relic costs in the Nexus shop
- Reduced the damage delay on Effigeist’s projectiles
- Removed the Ember Tree fog (which was causing performance issues)
- Added a bunch of sounds to the Phantom boss
- Bunch of memory profiling and optimizations (continued improvements and Switch compatibility)
- Fixed a bug that was showing a different completion % between the save slot and compendium
- Fixed a bug with the boss and mini-boss health bars where it was flashing behind the remaining health indicator
- Fixed a multiplayer bug where clients weren’t properly disconnected on subsequent games
The full patch notes can be found on Steam.