‘Fallout 4’ Wasteland Workshop Guide: How To Catch And Tame Animals

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Catching and taming animals is easy in 'Fallout 4'
Catching and taming animals is easy in 'Fallout 4' Bethesda

The latest Fallout 4 Update is here and brings a big update to your Settlement workshop. In the Wasteland Workshop DLC, you’ll have access to a bunch of new items to deck out your Settlements, and also you’ll get a chance to capture and tame some of the wasteland’s most dangerous creatures.

But how do you set up these traps to capture and in turn tame these wild beasts? Well, we’ve come up with everything you need to know to catch creatures in Fallout 4.


There are some things you’ll need to know about catching creatures in Fallout 4 before you get started. Once you’ve downloaded the Wasteland Workshop add-on, you’ll see your settlement workshop has another category: cages.

These cages come in different sizes and are used for catching different creatures, even humans.

Yes, humans (raiders and gunners), ghouls and super mutants can be captured by your cages but it is yet unknown if they can be tamed (we are still testing and will update). But the point of capturing these types is to pit them against other humans or creatures in the Arena, another update that comes with Wasteland Workshop.

We have a separate guide for the Arena if you want to pit animals against humans.

Also, once cages have been used to capture something they will need to be repaired. Simply go to your settlement workshop and go to the cage and repair it. The amount of resources it takes to repair a cage is much smaller than it takes to build it the first time (all of that information can be found at the end of the guide).

However, you should know that your settlement’s chances of being attacked increase when you have captured anything, so you’re better off placing these cages in a settlement that has enough manpower and defenses already.

There's also something to note when having mutliple creatures in your settlement. One creature will kill the other if they are not of the same species. We had a Mutant Hound kill our Mole Rat so it may not be possible to have them coexist in an open environment. This may not be the case for all species but just keep that in mind.

Now that the capturing part is out of the way, you’ll want to learn how to actually tame the creatures. And to do so you should build this new structure first: the Beta Wave Emitter.


The Beta Wave Emitter calms down captured creatures when cages are released. This is essential to utilizing the creatures you capture, but you’ll need the Animal Friend Perk (Charisma 5) and the Wasteland Whisperer Perk (Charisma 9) to unlock it.

Once you do, you’ll need the following resources and a power source to make it run. If you’re wondering where you can find Crystals in Fallout 4 , they are normally found in the laser traps (once they are disarmed) and in items like microscopes and magnifying glasses.

You can also find a traveling trader or go to a large city market to purchase/barter for the resources you need.

Beta Wave Emitter

  • Copper (5)

  • Aluminum (8)

  • Crystal (4)

  • Circuitry (3)

  • Nuclear Material (5)

  • Rubber (2)

The Beta Wave Emitter is crucial in 'Fallout 4'
The Beta Wave Emitter is crucial in 'Fallout 4' Bethesda


Now we’ve come to the many different cages you can build in Fallout 4 . All these cages do need electricity, so be sure to have a generator nearby.

And you’ll be happy to know that once the Beta Wave Emitter is up and running your creatures will roam your settlement, providing an increase to the settlements’ defense. So the fact that your settlement will be more susceptible to attacks is moot when you have Deathclaws fighting for you.

You’ll also notice that all of these traps need meat. Hopefully you’ve been stockpiling the meat as you’ve traveled, but if you are low on a certain meat you can go to the butcher in Diamond City. Or if you are patient enough, you can even capture the animal that has the meat you’re looking for and kill it and harvest it.

So here’s every cage in the Wasteland Workshop with the resources you need. Let us know if there are any other tips we may have missed in the comments section below.

Small Cages

Cat Cage

  • Steel (6)

  • Copper (1)

  • Softshell Mirelurk (2)

Dog Cage

  • Steel (6)

  • Canned Dog Food (3)

  • Copper (1)

Mole Rat Cage

  • Steel (6)

  • Radroach Meat (4)

  • Copper (1)

Mutant Hound Cage

  • Steel (6)

  • Brahmin Meat (2)

  • Copper (1)

Medium Cages

Feral Ghoul Cage

  • Steel (10)

  • Mongrel Dog Meat (4)

  • Copper (2)

Gunner Cage

  • Steel (10)

  • Bottlecap (500)

  • Copper (2)

Insect Cage

  • Steel (10)

  • Copper (2)

  • Mole Rat Meat (4)

Raider Cage

  • Steel (10)

  • Jet (6)

  • Copper (2)

Super Mutant Cage

  • Steel (10)

  • Brahmin Meat (5)

  • Copper (2)

Large Cages

Brahmin Cage

  • Steel (16)

  • Razorgrain (4)

  • Copper (4)

  • Gear (4)

Deathclaw Cage

  • Steel (16)

  • Yao Guai Meat (4)

  • Copper (4)

  • Gear (4)

Mirelurk Cage

  • Steel (16)

  • Mirelurk Egg (4)

  • Copper (4)

  • Gear (4)

RadScorpion Cage

  • Steel (16)

  • Stingwing Meat (4)

  • Gear (4)

  • Copper (4)

Radstag Cage

  • Steel (16)

  • Carrot (4)

  • Copper (4)

  • Gear (4)

Yao Guai Cage

  • Steel (16)

  • Radstag Meat (4)

  • Gear (4)

  • Copper (4)

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