'Final Fantasy XIV' Guide: 4 Best Classes for Beginners To Start Their Adventures With

Here are four of the best classes that beginners should start with in Final Fantasy XIV. Square Enix

There are several classes that players can choose from in "Final Fantasy XIV" that each have their own unique abilities and skills to utilize in battle and roles to play in parties.

Choosing which starter class to choose and which ones to upgrade to can be difficult, especially for newcomers to the game who have little prior information. It can be even more daunting when you consider that your class can determine what role you play in a party.

This guide offers a general overview of the four best classes that you should be using as a beginner in "Final Fantasy XIV." Keep in mind that you should focus on a particular playstyle that you enjoy building on to have more fun in the game.

1. Gladiator

The first class we'll talk about here is the Gladiator, which is upgraded to a Paladin later on and is a great Tank-type class. It has a good mix of destructive power and stalwart defenses and possesses abilities that complement them, according to Games Radar.

Newcomers can take this class to have an easier time in their adventures. While the Gladiator does not have as good damage potential as other focused melee DPS classes, it counteracts this with sturdiness from high health and shield abilities.

2. Conjurer

If you want to focus more on support for a party, you can go with a Conjurer, which can be upgraded to White Mage later on. This class provides good healing capabilities, giving you a straightforward and simple playstyle on which to focus.

What makes being a Conjurer even more rewarding is that they are always in high demand, as almost every raid and content in the game is made easier with good healer support. But if you prefer to play solo, then you should look at other classes.

3. Arcanist

Playerse who want to keep a safe distance but still deal devastating damage can opt to become an Arcanist, which combines a bit of healing with DPS capabilities. In the early game, the Arcanist offers players with the most variety in playstyle, Sports Illustrated said.

This class has access to various elemental and unaspected magic to fight with using summoned familiars. Additionally, Arcanists can generate shields to keep themselves protected, raise fallen allies, and even debuff enemies.

4. Lancer

If getting up close and personal and dealing destructive damage is your preferred playstyle, then the Lancer is a solid option to use. On top of that, this melee DPS class can upgrade to the Dragoon class, which is arguably one of the coolest classes in "Final Fantasy XIV."

A Lancer can attack an enemy from all sides and gets bonuses depending on their position. It can also take advantage of role actions for more sustain as well as enemy debuffs.

Other Tips

When you are just starting out in "Final Fantasy XIV," it can feel overwhelming trying to understand everything the game has to offer. Fortunately, you don't have to master everything all at once, as you can go at your own pace.

This article focuses on the best classes for beginners, but you should not focus too much of your time trying to pick outright. You can change classes later on if you want, so you should try out as many as you can to get a feel for their unique playstyles, according to Kotaku.

You should also take every quest you can, including side quests, even if you don't plan on finishing them right away. The game will keep track of the quests you have and show you what you need to do next, so you will never actually be lost.

This is important because there are some side quests that unlock various new content that can be useful for new players. Additionally, they provide experience points that can help you out in the long run.

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