'Final Fantasy XV' Delayed Two Months, Is The Game In Trouble?

  • Playstation 4
  • Xbox One
  • Action
  • RPG
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XV Square Enix

Final Fantasy XV has been pushed back to Nov. 29, according to insiders at Gamestop. Gamnesia reports that Gamestop executives have been told by their sources the highly anticipated sequel to the Chocobo riding franchise has been pushed back for unknown reasons.

Gamestop stores have been sent promotional materials with the name change, which will go up in stores on August 15. The game originally still has an official release date of September 30, so who knows if this rumor is true yet.

Fans already had to wait ten years for this epic to come out, what’s another couple of months? FFXV was originally called Final Fantasy Versus 13 when it was announced in 2006, but got a name change to something a little less complicated later on.

I’m extremely excited about this RPG epic and hope that the extra two months will give it that extra bit of polish. I just hope the delay isn’t an desperation from Square Enix to salvage a game that has serious problems.

Final Fantasy XV will be released on PS4 and Xbox One, with a PC release not yet announced.

Final Fantasy XV
Combat, Plot, Characters Create Something Flawed, Beautiful, Fantastic
Despite it's flaws, Final Fantasy XV is a milestone achievement: not just for being completed, but for being completed with polish, aplomb and love.
  • Engaging main cast of characters
  • Fun, fast-paced combat
  • A massive, beautiful world to explore
  • The Regalia!
  • Continuous updates have addressed some shortcomings of the initial release
  • Major aspects of the story feel rushed or absent, particularly toward the end of the game
  • Stealth sequences feel out of place
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