Siliconera reports fans who pre-ordered Final Fantasy XV on Square Enix’s official website can get a chance to win a custom Final Fantasy XV-themed Xbox One, (allegedly) styled after Noctis’ Engine Blade weapon.
Sounds great, right? After all, PlayStation 4 gamers will have the option of picking up the classy Luna Edition console for $449, emblazoned with an elegant monochrome image of the moon’s surface and subtle golden Final Fantasy branding. Shouldn’t Xbox One players get the same privilege?
Before you get too excited, well… just take a look at this thing:

What on God’s green earth is this monstrosity?! Is it a camping stove? A remnant from your stoner cousin’s short-lived DJ career? Siliconera claims the console is inspired by one of Noctis’s primary weapons, “a falchion fashioned with a motorcycle engine at the hilt.” Right, that explains it then. We at iDigi are big Final Fantasy fans who really, really want to love FFXV, but you’re making it very very hard, Squeenix.
It should again be noted that, at this point, all we know is that Xbox One gamers will have the chance to “win” this unique object. There’s been no confirmation this creature will be available for general purchase, so it’s unlikely you’ll come across one in the wild.
Final Fantasy XV launches worldwide on PS4 and Xbox One on Nov. 29.
- Engaging main cast of characters
- Fun, fast-paced combat
- A massive, beautiful world to explore
- The Regalia!
- Continuous updates have addressed some shortcomings of the initial release
- Major aspects of the story feel rushed or absent, particularly toward the end of the game
- Stealth sequences feel out of place