'Final Fantasy XV' PC Release Advertised By Gamestop

  • Playstation 4
  • Xbox One
  • Action
  • RPG
Final Fantasy XV concept art.
Final Fantasy XV concept art. (c) Square Enix

On the heels of yesterday’s Final Fantasy XV release date leak, mere hours before Square Enix’s release date event, Gamestop may have inadvertently released yet another bit of information Final Fantasy XV fans are clamoring to know.

According to keen-eyed NeoGAF members , Gamestop’s background advertising for Final Fantasy XV includes a PC logo along with the Xbox One and PS4 logos. Information regarding a PC release was conspicuously absent from last night’s 14 announcements celebrating Final Fantasy XV ’s upcoming release. The inclusion of the PC logo in the Final Fantasy XV advertising leaves gamers with hope that Square Enix may make an announcement regarding a PC release at E3, Tokyo Game Show or Gamescom. Even if the PC release is not simultaneous with the game’s console launch, something is better than nothing, right?

In an interview with Engadget, director Hajime Tabata stated that the team didn’t prioritize PC, but that a PC release wasn’t off the table, "Unfortunately we weren't able to do simultaneous development on a PC and console version for XV. We had to focus on the console version and our goal was to maximize, optimize everything for the HD consoles. Once that's done, then we will definitely take a good, hard look at PC and what we need to do, and consider all our options. But right now we aren't decided, we're still considering a lot of things."

If Final Fantasy XV does make it to PC, will you be purchasing it? Or did you purchase the Ultimate Collector’s Edition … you know, the $270 behemoth of Final Fantasy XV goodness with the exclusive Play Arts figure of Noctis that sold out in less than 3 hours? (The Deluxe Edition is still available on the Square Enix online store.)

For more information on Final Fantasy XV and the many exciting projects leading up to its September 30 release date, check out our recap of the “Uncovered” event here.

Final Fantasy XV
Combat, Plot, Characters Create Something Flawed, Beautiful, Fantastic
Despite it's flaws, Final Fantasy XV is a milestone achievement: not just for being completed, but for being completed with polish, aplomb and love.
  • Engaging main cast of characters
  • Fun, fast-paced combat
  • A massive, beautiful world to explore
  • The Regalia!
  • Continuous updates have addressed some shortcomings of the initial release
  • Major aspects of the story feel rushed or absent, particularly toward the end of the game
  • Stealth sequences feel out of place
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