Just started playing Fit the Fat 2 and need some tips for how to use treadmill, get skinny points and help you little friends on his path towards fitness? Check out our beginner guide to playing and getting results in the game.
As a sequel to the earlier Fit the Fat game, Fit the Fat 2 has made its way onto Google Play and Apple App store. The game, which is all about getting an unhealthy buddy into shape requires players to train their little friend in the gym with jump ropes, treadmills and other fitness equipment, while also making sure he gets enough healthy food and sleep to maximize his performance in the gym.
Your friend, who starts out at 507 pounds, follows his plan as faithfully as you allow him to, and with each healthy choice made and exercise routine completed, you see him slowly shedding the pounds. The more weight he loses the more coins he gains for upgrading equipment and purchasing food items.
If you are new to the game, Fit the Fat, its relatively easy to learn, but there are a few tricky things (like learning how to stay on that damn treadmill!) that take some getting used to. To help you and your friend on his fitness journey, we’ve put together a quick set of tips and tricks we’ve learned to help you move through the game.
‘Fit the Fat 2’ Tips & Tricks: How To Use Treadmill, Gain Skinny Points And More
‘Fit The Fat 2’ Tip #1: Get The Treadmill Quickly
When you first get started in the game, the only exercise equipment you have is the jump rope and, well, it’s about as fun as jump roping as an adult is in real life. You are required to keep the jump rope until level 3, at which time the treadmill is unlocked. As soon as you can, start using the treadmill. Once you know how to use it, it’s much easier than the jump roping and a little less boring.
How To Use The Jump Rope - To get to level three jump roping, you need to use up two full energy/stamina cycles. To get the most jumps without having your little friend trip and fall down is to watch and wait for the jump rope to get to the place where it touches your friend’s shadow on the floor. Also, keep in mind that the jump rope speed does increase a little the more you do, so you’ll have to adjust your tapping speed slightly in some places.
Once your friend has jump roped until his stamina is out, you have the option to either let him take a nap to rebuild it – about 25 minutes – or tap on the stamina bar and refill it with one of the 3 free energy drinks provided. Jump rope again till your stamina gives out and you’ll reach level three, where you unlock the treadmill.
How To Use The Treadmill – Ok, so the first time you use the treadmill, you’ll probably find your little friend tripping and falling off pretty quickly (like getting on a treadmill for the first time in real life). The trick to using the treadmill is to keep swiping. I actually use very small swipes – more of a flick – as it helps control my friend’s speed on the treadmill.
When you get started, you’ll see a green bar at the bottom of the screen with little black arrows at the top and bottom of the bar. As you swipe these arrows move to the left or the right depending on your speed – it moves to the left if you are swiping slowly, to the right if you speed up your swipes. You need to do your best to keep those arrows in the middle of the green bar. This gets tricky because the green bar gets smaller and moves sometimes. If you are keeping your arrows in the middle, you are most likely not to be caught off guard by the changing six and position of the green bar. Keep in mind, just swiping one consistent speed won’t get you very far. Adjust your swipes based on where you see the black arrows. Middle is always the goal.
‘Fit The Fat 2’ Tip #2 – Connect To Health Kit

So, while I’m not sure if Android users have any options like this, if you are playing the game on you iPhone, you can go into the game’s settings and connect it to Health Kit. This is an awesome perk, because every time you exercise or steps are logged by your iPhone, your little friend gets a boost on his exercise routine. This is one simple way of helping him get healthier while getting healthier yourself.
‘Fit The Fat 2’ Tip #3 – Choose The Healthy Foods
I truly wish making healthy eating choices were as simple as it is in this game (sigh). But, anyway, to get your friend fitter faster, spend money on the healthy foods over the classics and fast food. The healthy foods are pricier, but they give your friend more energy and have a lower fat amount. I am not sure how it plays out towards the end of the game, but your character’s fitness is broken into 3 weird categories – muscle, fat and skinny. Muscle obviously is built once you’ve unlocked the weights, but I’m guessing some of the “skinny” points will come from eating healthier foods. Just as in real life, a skinny person who eats nothing but junk food may not be as healthy and physically fit as a heavier or muscled body type that eats healthy foods.
That’s really about all you need to know to get your friend losing pounds. Make sure when you aren’t training, you get him into bed so he’s got plenty of energy for the next workout!