The “Invasion!” sneak peek comes in addition to the first photos from The Flash, Arrow and Legends crossover episodes. Footage from Supergirl’s crossover episode, “Medusa,” shows Vibe and The Flash opening a breach to Central City to National City. The photos from The Flash and Legends tease a bit more action. Although they don’t show The Dominators themselves, there’s several heroic group shots and one photo of Speedy suited up for the first time since Arrow Season 4.
It looks like there’s going to be more going on than just fighting The Dominators for Arrow’ s “Invasion!” episode. Arrow ’s crossover night falls on the 100th episode of the series, and the creative team has found a way to bring back Laurel Lance, Deathstroke, and Moira and Robert Queen.
The synopsis for Arrow ’s crossover episode reveals Oliver will be suffering from some sort of alternate timeline where he’s getting married to Laurel and the Queen’s gambit never sank, which is how his parents are still alive. Ray is in nearly all of the Arrow photos and it appears in this alternate timeline, he’s married to Felicity. It’s unclear at this point whether what Oliver will experience is related to Flashpoint or The Dominators.
There’s no sign of Martian Manhunter or anyone from Team Supergirl in the crossover footage. At this point, it seems Kara will be going to the Arrowverse by herself. Let’s just hope Greg Berlanti will surprise us with someone like Roy Harper or Tommy Merlyn instead.
The “Invasion!” event begins with Supergirl on Nov. 28 when Barry and Vibe open a breach to bring her over. View all 50+ crossover photos here.