Legends of Tomorrow isn’t the only show incorporating members of the Justice Society. The Flash is also getting in on the action. Carlos Valdes told press at CW’s Fan Feast after the midseason finale that a member of the Justice League and Birds of Prey is coming to the series. Spoilers for The Flash Season 3 ahead.

Get ready to meet Gypsy, aka Cindy Reynolds. She and Valdes’ character Vibe (and Steel of Legends ) were actually introduced in the same issue -- 1984’s “Justice League of America Annual” #2.
“There’s gonna be a new visitor to our world named Gypsy... and Vibe will definitely get to learn some new skills as part of getting to know her,” Valdes said, according to CBR.

Gypsy has appeared in the animated series Justice League Unlimited . Many heroes on The CW also originate from Justice League’s “Detroit Era,’ including Martian Manhunter, Vixen and Vibe.
Gypsy can cast physical and figurative illusions into the minds of her enemies. Her powers allow her to blend into the background, essentially making her invisible. After mastering her abilities, Gypsy was also able to cloak others and can project her spirit from her body.

Valdes’ statements don’t confirm Gypsy has a connection to the Arrowverse’s Justice Society introduced on Legends. But even more exciting than a possible Justice Society connection to The Flash is seeing Vibe master his powers. Vibe has opened breaches to other dimensions, looked into the future and harnessed vibrational force into sonic blasts, but in the comics, he became even more powerful.

His sonic blasts can traditionally shatter just about any material, including steel and concrete. He’s able to track metahumans, even speedsters, like we saw with Zoom last season. What’s more is his ability to shut down the speed force entirely. In fact, when Amanda Waller recruited Vibe as a member of the JLA, Vibe was a failsafe in case The Flash ever went rogue. Vibe stopping the speed force would render all speedsters connected to the force powerless. Now that Cisco barley trusts Barry after the whole Flashpoint ordeal, he may want to have a few tricks up his sleeve incase Barry ever decides to mess with time again. Vibe learning more about the way his power can interact with the speed force could also prove useful in stopping Savitar.
Are you excited to see Vibe fight side by side with Barry? Let us know in the comments below!