‘The Flash’ Season 3: Alternate Jesse Quick Costumes Revealed

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Jesse Chambers Wells officially suited up as Jesse Quick on The Flash this season. The last few episodes saw the new speedster tagging along with Barry in her new super suit. Though it doesn’t resemble Jesse Quick’s costume in the comics, the design is sleek and fits Violett Bean’s character perfectly.

Now we know more about what Jesse Quick’s costume design process was like. Andy Poon, one of CW’s artists, posted three alternative Jesse Quick costume designs. None are too different than the final version that made its debut in The Flash Season 3 Episode 3, ‘Magenta.”

Two of the designs don’t have The Flash’s signature chest emblem included in the final version. The one version with The Flash symbol includes yellow lightning bolts on each side of the rounded face mask. All of the designs have a standing (mock turtle) collar, but the third opens in the front and the mask covers more of Jesse Quick’s face.

Jesse Quick suits up in 'The Flash' Season 3 episode 4.
Jesse Quick suits up in 'The Flash' Season 3 episode 4. CW

At the end of The Flash Season 3 episode 4, ‘New Rogues,’ Jesse returned to Earth-2 with her father, Harrison Wells. Wally made sure to steal a kiss before she left, but it’s unclear when she’ll be back in Central City. For the time being, The Flash is on his own.

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8p.m. on ABC.

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