‘The Flash’ Season 3: [Spoiler] Finds The Truth About The Flashpoint Timeline

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There are serious spoilers for The Flash Season 3 ahead. Please click away to one of our many other fine articles if you do not wish to read this information.

Wally has been yearning to be a hero ever since last season when he and Jesse were hit by dark matter from the particle accelerator explosion that gave Barry his powers back. When Wally never developed abilities, we thought that would be the end for the possibility Kid Flash. That is, until Flashpoint was announced. Wally became Kid Flash for the Season 3 premiere, ‘Flashpoint,’ but when Reverse Flash and Barry went back in time to killer Nora Allen once again, Wally was no longer Kid Flash.

Keiynan Lonsdale looks AWESOME suited up as Kid Flash!
Keiynan Lonsdale looks AWESOME suited up as Kid Flash! CW

That’s what made the look on Wally’s face when he saw his good friend Jesse speed through the portal from Earth-2 so devastating. He was clearly very jealous and disappointed Jesse developed powers from the particle accelerator explosion and he didn’t. Wally went so far as to try and jump in the middle of traffic to activate his powers after Jesse told him hers were jumpstarted by a threat to her life. It wasn’t until after that incident did Wally began to finally accept his powerless identity.

Jesse Quick suits up in 'The Flash' Season 3 episode 4.
Jesse Quick suits up in 'The Flash' Season 3 episode 4. CW

But we shouldn’t speak too soon. Alchemy aims to give everyone who had powers in The Flashpoint timeline their abilities back. He lured in The Rival and Magenta by giving them nightmares of their old life in the Flashpoint timeline, only to brainwash them to bid his evil doings.

A synopsis for The Flash Season 3 episode 6, “Shade,” reveals Wally will start having dreams of his own. It remains to be seen whether the dreams are Alchemy-related, but when Barry finds out Wally is having them, he decides it’s best to tell Wally about him being Kid Flash in the Flashpoint timeline.

It will be interesting to see whether or not Barry will also tell Wally how he got his powers in the Flashpoint timeline. Wally was also in a coma, but his abilities didn’t originate from a particle accelerator explosion. He amped up his car for a race and when it got struck by lightning, he woke from coma with special abilities. Kid Flash seems to be less powerful than Jesse or Barry, and it’s still unknown whether or not Kid Flash even had a connection to the speed force.

With Barry putting a wrench in Alchemy’s plans, I’d say manipulating one of his closest family members to the dark side would be a great way for revenge. And considering how desperate Wally is, he just may take the bait.

WALLY HAS VISIONS OF BEING KID FLASH — When Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) starts having dreams about being Kid Flash, Barry (Grant Gustin) realizes he has to tell Wally, Iris (Candice Patton) and Joe (Jesse L. Martin) about what happened to Wally in Flashpoint in order to keep him safe.

What do you think? Will Wally became Kid Flash again or will he get caught tup in the evil doing sod Alchemy? Let us know in the comments below!

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 pm on The CW.

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