‘The Flash’ Season 3 Spoilers: Details On Gorilla Grodd & Jesse Quick’s Return Revealed

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Lightning strikes twice! CW

The pieces are coming together for The Flash Season 3 episode 13, “Attack on Gorilla City.” We now know how Barry’s old foe comes back into the picture and why Jesse Quick joins the team for another two-episode adventure. Spoilers below.

The newly released synopsis reveals Jesse Quick tells Barry her father, Harrison Wells, was captured and brought to Gorilla City, and the team goes to rescue him on Earth-2. They are promptly caught by Grodd, who says Solivar (the leader of Gorilla City) wants to attack Earth-1. Jesse and Wally sit the Gorilla City mission out, staying behind on Earth-1 to fight a metahuman who can control gravity.

Set photos released back in December paint a clearer picture, and actually show Gypsy joining in on the action too. There’s one image of the whole team standing together: Jesse Quick, Vibe, Gypsy, Kid Flash, The Flash and Grodd in CGI. There’s also another speedster who looks a lot like Accelerated Man. In the comics, he’s The Flash on Earth-19. It’s possible he’s related to Gypsy’s appearance, who is also from Earth-19. Or, he maybe he’s a meta from Earth-2.

Check out the full episode synopsis below.

When Jesse Quick informs the team that her father has been abducted, Barry, Caitlin, Cisco and Julian voyage to Earth-2 on a rescue mission to save Harry from Gorilla City. As they trek through the forest, Barry and the team are immediately captured and brought to Grodd. Grodd tells them he needs their help to stop Solovar, the leader of Gorilla City, as Solovar wants to invade Earth-1. Meanwhile, back on Earth-1, Jesse and Kid Flash hit the streets to stop a metahuman that can control gravity, with H.R. and Joe guiding them from S.T.A.R. Labs.

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