‘The Flash’ Season 3: Who Is Alchemy? An Alternate Julian Albert Theory

'The Flash' airs on Tuesdays at 8 p.m.
'The Flash' airs on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. CW

We’re going to find out if Julian Albert is Dr. Alchemy in The Flash Season 3 episode 8, “Killer Frost.” Or, at least, we should have a better idea about who to expect behind the mask. The synopsis for tonight’s episode reveals Caitlin Snow, who has recently turned into her evil spirited alter-ego, is going to kidnap Barry’s suspicious new co-worker, Julian, on a rampage to find and take down Alchemy. Does Caitlin know something about Julian we don’t? If Killer Frost can get Alchemy and Julian in the same room together, it could rule out the possibility of Julian ‘Albert’ being Dr. Alchemy’s secret identity.

Alchemy in 'The Flash' episode 6, "Shades."
Alchemy in 'The Flash' episode 6, "Shades." CW

It’s hard to get past the fact if Alchemy turns out to be Julian, it’d be the easiest reveal in the history of The Flash. This is the strongest argument against Julian being Alchemy. It would be a super weak identity reveal for a show that usually takes 20+ episodes to show its big bad. That’s why this year’s reveal could be taking an interesting turn. What if Tom Felton is Alchemy, but Alchemy isn’t Julian Albert… (yet)?

The first piece of evidence is the name Julian Albert. Interestingly enough, when Tom Felton’s character was first announced, they named him Julian Dorn. Then, when he made his first appearance, his last name was changed to Albert. To comic book fans, this name is no coincidence. One of the many incarnations of Dr. Alchemy was Albert Desmond, a chemist who suffers from multiple personality disorder. This version of Alchemy discovered his own element, which he named Elemento, a magnetic light that eventually sent The Flash into space.

Alchemy in 'The Flash' episode 6, "Shades."
Alchemy in 'The Flash' episode 6, "Shades." CW

After being captured and released from prison in the comics, Desmond learns of the Philosopher's stone. He uses the gem, which has the ability to restore abilities to people from different timelines and worlds, and uses it to continue his criminal career. However, his nice personality takes over and he eventually goes straight.

But after Alchemy steps down in the comics, his astral twin ‘Alvin’ Desmond surfaces as a new Alchemy, with whom he shares a psychic link. It’s later revealed Alvin was actually a construct of the stone created by Desmond’s criminal personality. Desmond then defeats ‘Alvin’ and again, takes the name Dr. Alchemy.

If Julian Albert and Alchemy aren’t just two different personalities inhabiting the same body, we could be looking at his evil twin or doppleganger. The Alchemy we have met thus far is a construct of the Philosopher's stone, thus Alchemy exists as the virtual twin of Albert Desmond, named Alvin. This explains how Alchemy telepathically controls his victims via window scratching, crazy visions, and dreams--he’s just a figment of the stone.

The CW has given more than a few nods that Julian may be involved in the Alchemy arc while not directly in the center of it. Julian discovered his own element when comparing the husks left behind by Alchemy earlier in Season 3. It was this discovery that helped Julian realize Frankie was really Magenta. There is always the chance Julian subconsciously knew about this element already, due to a second personality or twin who is acting as Alchemy. The element could be the same beam of light we saw Alchemy attack Barry with in his lair. As for the Philosopher's stone, it’s most likely what Wally touched that’s about to give him his Flashpoint speedster powers back.

Whoever is behind that mask, even if it’s someone we haven't met yet, we’ll find out soon. Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim confirmed Alchemy’s true identity will be revealed in the midseason finale, after the four-night crossover in early December.

What do you think? Could Alchemy be Julian Albert’s doppleganger or twin, Alvin? Let us know in the comments below.

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m.

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