‘The Flash’ Season 3: Why We Probably Haven’t Seen The Last Of Zoom

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  • Superhero
Zoom is the main villain of 'The Flash' season 2
Zoom is the main villain of 'The Flash' season 2 CW

The Flash Season 2 finished on one hell of a cliffhanger and Central City will never be the same.

Barry, Zoom and the rest of the Star Labs crew will see major changes in the upcoming third season, but we’re here to talk about the villain of Season 2, Zoom and what happened to him in the final episode.

SPOILER ALERT! What follows will spoil the events of The Flash Season 2 finale so if you’re not caught up you may want to back out now.

After Barry creates a time remnant to outrace Zoom and stop his multiverse-destroying weapon, the Time Wraiths (who get rid of time anomalies andthose who try to manipulate the Speed Force) showed up to take Zoom away, solving Barry’s problem with letting the maniacal Zoom live.

However, those who were watching closely will have noticed Zoom was aged and shriveled before he was taken into the Speed Force. His all-black suit even changed to have a while Flash symbol with red trims on his chest.

Zoom saw better days after being attacked by the Time Wraiths.
Zoom saw better days after being attacked by the Time Wraiths. CW

This may not seem like a big deal, but comic book readers are aware that Zoom being taken by the Wraiths may not mean the end of Zoom.

But first, some background.

In the comics, the speedsters like The Flash are very powerful and derive their powers from the Speed Force (which was established in the show). But when a speedster dies or is on the verge of death they are met by the Black Flash, who acts as a grim reaper for speedsters, because who else is there to track down a super fast being than a malevolent being who is also fast?

The Black Flash has always been a thorn in The Flash's side.
The Black Flash has always been a thorn in The Flash's side. DC Comics

When the Wraiths took Zoom and his costume changed, it was exactly how the Black Flash’s costume looked in the comics.

Given that Barry went back to the day of his mom’s death and prevented it (undoing two seasons of character development, I might add) he’s prime to meet the fate of anyone who messes with the timeline and Speed Force.

Who better than Zoom to come after Barry as the new Black Flash?

Of course, this is all speculation and fan theory, but with The Flash Season 3 shaping up to possibly adapt the Flashpoint storyline, there’s a lot to look forward to.

So what do you think, will Zoom return as the Black Flash? Do you want Flashpoint adapted on The Flash ? Sound off in the comments section below.

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