‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 Release Date Teaser: Preview Shows The Starks Are Back [VIDEO]

Jon Snow in the Battle of the Bastards.
Jon Snow in the Battle of the Bastards. HBO

The first Game of Thrones Season 7 trailer isn’t expected until next year. However, during last night’s Westworld episode, HBO surprised fans with a very brief glimpse of footage from the new season. During a ‘Coming in 2017’ promo, HBO offered three quick flashes of the series’ most popular characters: Jon Snow, Sansa and Arya.

Warning: some spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 6 to follow.

There aren’t really any conclusions to be made regarding the new footage. Jon Snow appears to be speaking to someone, but we can’t see who it is. Sansa stares into the camera (with her new wig) as she walks through what we assume to be the Godswood of Winterfell. Arya is riding horseback with her winter furs and mean face on after her “dinner party” at the Twins. Her clothes and the background suggest she’s somewhere in the North.

The video has not officially arrived online. Fans managed to grab a few screenshots until a Twitter user captured and posted a clip of the teaser. While there’s no way to confirm to whom Jon is speaking, red hair is visible in the frame. Could this mean it’s Sansa? It very well could be, since Jon and Sansa have reclaimed the North. We also know Arya is on her way back to Winterfell, so could this be the sibling reunion we’ve been waiting for?

What do you think of the latest images of Game of Thrones ? Do you think the Stark siblings will reunite? Is the Weirwood tree in the shot of Sansa a hint that Bran could have made his way back to Winterfell? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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