'Game Of Thrones' Season 7 Set Leak Spoilers: A Ramsay Bolton Lackey Still Lurks At Winterfell

Ramsay takes on Jon Snow for supremacy of the North in "Battle of the Bastards."
Ramsay takes on Jon Snow for supremacy of the North in "Battle of the Bastards." Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO

The Order of Maesters should be the light of Westeros. They are not arcane keepers of dark, magic secrets, like the Alchemist’s Guild. Nor are they a collection of press ganged criminals and outcasts, like the Night’s Watch. And as a secular organization dedicated to learning and wisdom, they should not be prey to the same ideologies, pieties and “divine” hubris behind the cult-like Sparrows.

Despite all that, Game of Thrones sure is loaded with creepy maesters. Between Grand Maester Pycelle, Lannister toadie, and the disgraced maester, Qyburn, King’s Landing was rife with court power struggles from an otherwise monkish order (until Qyburn settled the conflict once and for all at the end of Game of Thrones Season 6).

Now, thanks to leaks from the set of Game of Thrones Season 7, we know that yet another awful maester is still in the mix. Spoilers ahead for the next season of Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones fan site Watchers on the Wall has gotten their hands on leaked set photos showing Richard Rycroft will return for Season 7. Rycroft plays Maester Wolkan, who served Ramsay Bolton, so perverting his commitment to truth and knowledge in the process that he even abetted Ramsay’s patricide.

Rycroft (in full Wolkan garb) was spotted on set with a number of other Winterfell actors. It looks like he’s been shooting scenes with Davos Seaworth, Tormund Giantsbane, Jon Snow and Sansa Stark. Will they let this cowardly maester continue to serve? Send him back to the Maester Citadel in Oldtown? Or just lop off his head?

Season 7 will reveal if this Bolton collaborator gets his just desserts.

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