'Guardians of The Galaxy 2' Spoilers: Three New Members Joining Star-Lord's Gang Of Misfits

Karen Gillan as Nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy.
Karen Gillan as Nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy. Marvel

The Guardians of the Galaxy team might look a bit different in Marvel’s upcoming sequel. Geek.com reports the gang of misfits will have three new members in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 including two familiar faces and one new alien.

[Warning: this article contains possible spoilers from Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy 2.]

Geek.com claims a source close to the production told them Nebula and Yondu are setting aside their differences to join the Guardians. Nebula is the daughter of Thanos and sister to Gamora; they’re relationship is definitely strained by the end of Guardians of The Galaxy. Yondu and Star-Lord will also add an interesting dynamic considering they both betrayed each other in the first film.

However, the most interesting character that might join Star-Lord’s gang is another green alien named Mantis. Geek.com reports actress Pom Klementieff is allegedly up for the role. Mantis’ ties to Guardians of the Galaxy 2 would likely be to Groot. In the comics, Mantis has the ability to control plants and helped Groot’s regrowth. At the end of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Groot sacrificed himself to save his friends from dying in a spaceship crash. Rocket was left with a small twig that will eventually grow a new Groot.

Read more about Geek.com’s Guardians of the Galaxy 2 scoop here. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is slated to hit theaters on May 5, 2017.

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