The time has finally come. Blizzard has just revealed new card balance changes for some of its most problematic cards. Corridor Creeper, Raza The Chained, Patches and Bonemare are all getting severe ballast that will transform them from some of the game’s most powerful cards into relics. Like most cards that get extreme nerfs, don’t expect to see a lot of these guys once the update goes through in Patch 10.2. Nobody’s seen Molten Giant since Warlock stopped using it.
Once the patch goes live in the next few weeks, you’ll have two weeks to disenchant any of these cards for their full dust value.
Here’s the full list of changes:
Bonemare - Now costs 8 mana. (Up from 7)
Corridor Creeper - Now has 2 Attack. (Down from 5)
Patches the Pirate - No longer has Charge
Raza the Chained - Now reads: Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, your Hero Power costs (1) this game.
Raza and Patches are headed to Wild when the next expansion launches and it seems that Blizzard was worried they’d overtake the mode’s meta. Wild has always been a place for crazy experimentation and forcing every deck to include the Pirate combo hinders that growth. Hopefully with this change, we’ll see a lot less Highlander Priest and Aggro Druid. I’ve bitched about Patches more than anyone else and I’m thankful to see him lose a ton of his momentum. He’s also not going to say “I’m in charge” anymore, according to principal game designer Mike Donais on reddit. “We found an extra voice line for patches so we are swapping out the charge line,” Donais writes.
I would have preferred that Patches turnes into this though...

I wish these changes had happened before the World Championship so I didn’t have to sit through dozens of the same decks over and over, but I’m ecstatic that they are here anyway. For too long, Pirates and overpowered worms have dominated the meta and it’s now time for them to stand down.
To remember Corridor Creeper’s legacy, users on Discord have already begun spamming my new favorite meme:
In the dungeon I go deeper,
In set reviews I was a sleeper,
When minions die I got cheaper,
You guessed it right,
I’m three attack weaker.