Hearthstone is bringing its playerbase to the most dangerous jungle in all of Azeroth and hoping nobody gets eaten in the Journey To Un’Goro . Three new cards from the set were revealed on Monday while everyone was in their tents sleeping, but I managed to venture forth and capture a rare glimpse of these beauties.
Sunkeeper Tarim- IGN’s card reveal is definitely the most hyped of the bunch. This Paladin 3/6 Legendary minion costs six mana and has a Battlecry that turns every minion on the board into a 3/3. If Aldor Peacekeeper is a staple in all Paladin Control decks, this guy is going to be a must-have for anyone that wants to bring Uther into a game. It can control the board, like Eadric The Pure, but costs less mana and can actually clear the minions it augments. A must have for any Murloc Paladin that wants to do some absurd combo.
Shadow Visions- I’m not a fan of this card and view it solely as filler. Why would you waste two mana on the hopes you get an Excavated Evil or Entomb instead of a Power Word: Shield ? We haven’t seen all the cards from the set, so maybe it combos with a new unreleased Priest card that we don’t know about yet. The only way I can see this card getting good is if Reno Jackson gains popularity in Priest.
Crystaline Oracle- Invengolbal’s release card is somewhere between bad and good. It’s a one-mana 1/1 with a Deathrattle that copies a card from your opponent’s deck and adds it to your hand. Priest already has some of the best one-drops in the game, it’s hard to beat Twilight Whelp or Northshire Cleric . With the Year Of The Mammoth rolling in and Whelp leaving us for good, maybe this card might find a place in niche Priest decks.
How do you like these Journey To Un’Goro cards? Tell us in the comments.