The doors of the Hearthstone Kobolds And Catacombs expansion have finally been unlocked, releasing new cards into the internet blogosphere. Every day until the Dungeons and Dragons -themed adventure goes live, new cards will pop up on websites, YouTube videos and very angry reddit posts. On Tuesday, we got the first Druid weapon and an adorable Kobold that may just give Warrior another sign of life.

Twig Of The World Tree is Druid’s Artifact weapon and doesn’t disappoint. For four mana, you get a 1/5 staff with a Deathrattle that gives you 10 Mana Crystals. At first glance, this card looks beyond bonkers. You can break the weapon by playing another, making some room for some truly gross combos. In a perfect world, you can Wild Growth on turn two, play the weapon on three, Nourish on four for two extra Mana Crystals, use Medivh The Guardian on turn five, following up with an Ultimate Infestation and you get a 5/5 and 7/7 minion, five armor, deal five damage and a Deathwing or Golem. Of course, Hearthstone rarely works the way you want it to, but just that amount of value alone will be enough for me to run this card.
Keep in mind that the Twig won’t permanently increase your Mana Crystals, just gift you an extra 10 for one turn. If your Mana pool is full when the weapon breaks, you’ll waste the ability and see a lot of “Oops” emotes pop up from your opponent. It’s more like Kun, The Forgotten King rather than Astral Communion, even if the wording is exactly the same. Hearthstone ’s terrible card text inconsistency strikes again, adding another level of confusion for Druid mains everywhere.

Rummaging Kobold, revealed by Jack Torrance, is a cheeky little bugger who loves to fix your broken toys. The candle hoarder is a 1/3 Epic minion that costs three mana, which returns a destroyed weapon to your hand. This card is insanely good and will be tested in most classes right after release. Rogue can’t play it because of the chance of getting a cruddy Hero Power, but Malfurion would love to gain an extra 10 mana from his twig. Though its stats for mana cost are cruddy at best, that Battlecry makes up for it with insane valuer and combo potential. Allowing for two Medivh staffs or an Arcanite Reaper worth 20 damage is nothing to laugh at, even if it’s extremely circumstantial.
As Blizzard continues to unveil more cards, Player.One will be here to dissect them. Don’t waste your dust on day one thinking you’ve found the best, most OP cards in existence until you check here first. We might just have some insight that saves you from a dungeon-induced panic.