Here’s some good news for fans of the Hearthstone esports scene. The Masters Tour Online: Madrid has been rescheduled, but it hasn't been pushed back. It's actually been bumped forward, and will now take place from October 23 to October 25 instead of in December. That’s just a little more than a two-month wait after the Masters Tour Online: Montreal has finished.
Qualifiers for the Madrid Tour start on August 6. However, players that hope to get an invite can already sign up at Battlefy here. This tournament is going to be very important as it may be the last chance for many to earn a spot at the Grandmasters 2021.
Here are the different ways to join the Madrid Tour:
- Win one of the 90 online Masters Qualifiers between August 6 and September 27 on Battlefy.
- Finish with at least a 7-2 record at:
- Masters Tour Online: Asia-Pacific
- Masters Tour Online: Montreal
- Place within the Top 8 of a Masters Qualifier for Masters Tour Online
The Asia-Pacific Champion
If you’ve been following the competitive scene, then you probably know that the Asia-Pacific region had its matches this month. Taking the top spot was Simone “Leta” Liguori, who beat Nozomi “Alutemu” Yashima 3-1. He takes home $32,500 in prize money along with the Masters Tour Champion Trophy. He also gets a shot at being promoted to Gramdmaster by the end of the year.

Hailing from Italy, Leta continues the streak of European players dominating the Masters Tour. Arlington and Los Angeles were won by French player Zakarya “xBlyzes” Hail, while Enzo “Warma” Flock, also from France, got the top spot at Jönköping.
Going back to Leta, his journey to the top started with an 8-1 record in the initial Swiss rounds. In the quarterfinals, he was matched against David “Just Saiyan” Shan, whom he trounced with a final score of 3-1. This led him to a match versus Raphael “Bunnyhoppor” Peltzer. Leta won the first two games and had a chance for a sweep. Howeer, Bunnyhoppor wouldn’t be so easily beaten and managed to get the next two games. This led to a Game 5, with Leta getting the win.
In the Finals match versus Alutemu, Leta again took first blood. Alutemu, however, managed to balance the scales and win the second game. Leta couldn't be denied from there, as he went on to win the next two games.